
If you guys thought I died you're wrong I'm gonna live forever


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Roman's Revenge bloopers!
          y/n: just leave me the fuck alone!
          Roman: oh you're playing Minecraft v I like ya cut G
          Roman: please sibling I just want you for my own
          y/n( trying to stay hidden):pls leave ne the fuck alone!
          Roman: I've always liked to play with fire
          y/n: I don't care
          @_-RemusIsBroken-_ @S-SickSanders @DifferntName @-patton_sanders- @DeodorantMonster @Alec_The_Weeb @Hawks_is_Dabis_bitch @Virgil_as_a_angel @davisremi @Prinxity470 @TheAbyssaljester @RoxyGlam2 @I-nuh-snt_Roleplay @PunkTransRights @AceLesDisaster @Remus_The_Hated @-KingDonnie- @RemRomLove @Janus4SecretaryOfWar  @asagothe_fander @--Virgil--



Roman's Revenge ep 8( final?)
          the police:Roman Sanders you are under arrest for the murders of so many innocent Souls 
          ( after the court trial Roman is sentenced to death can you visit him)
          y/n : brother do you have any regrets
          Roman: yes I regret killing all of them  and I regret being born one more hour and it will all be over
          ( you leave him crying you couldn't bring yourself to witness his death but you heard his last words were)
          Roman; Echoing: maybe Dante Alighieri what's right with his depictions weather I wind up in The Inferno or purgatory I want my brother/sis to know I love them goodbye y/n!
          ( you crying to your pillow with every single night years later you diagnose PTSD can schizophrenia like your brother)
          the end?
          @_-RemusIsBroken-_ @S-SickSanders @DifferntName @-patton_sanders- @DeodorantMonster @Alec_The_Weeb @Hawks_is_Dabis_bitch @Virgil_as_a_angel @davisremi @Prinxity470 @TheAbyssaljester @RoxyGlam2 @I-nuh-snt_Roleplay @PunkTransRights @AceLesDisaster @Remus_The_Hated @-KingDonnie- @RemRomLove @Janus4SecretaryOfWar  @asagothe_fander @--Virgil--


@RoxyGlam2  this is just the end of season 1 here's a little preview
            -it's been years y/n has PTSD and schizophrenia like your brother y/n s brother now is y /ns ghost that haunts them day in and day out you'll be driving them insane not to the point of murder but close wanting to do something stupid( by the way everyone who died except a pat and Roman are back as humans with no memories of their death)
            Roman's Revenge season 2 coming soon




Something big will be happening soon I've been working on it for a while it's still in development so you'll have to wait and see here is a short preview
          Virgil: the needed shock to start his heart giving birth to my creation!
          ??????:yghujkhbgvfrtyuijuhygtfhrytuijknjbh gvfctryguhijklmnjhbgyt
          Virgil: oh dear God what have I done
          @_-RemusIsBroken-_ @S-SickSanders @DifferntName @-patton_sanders- @DeodorantMonster @Alec_The_Weeb @Hawks_is_Dabis_bitch @Virgil_as_a_angel @davisremi @Prinxity470 @TheAbyssaljester @RoxyGlam2 @I-nuh-snt_Roleplay @PunkTransRights @AceLesDisaster @Remus_The_Hated @-KingDonnie- @RemRomLove @Janus4SecretaryOfWar  @asagothe_fander @--Virgil--


Roman's Revenge ep 7
          * you turn on the TV find a news report*
          News person: okay thank you Rhonda this just in 5 people found dead in a mind Palace
          * Roman drops whatever he was holding to look at you*
          Roman:y/n they found us we have to run
          * you run out of the house into the rain pouring from the Black and comfortless sky*
          Roman: where do you think you are going?!
          y/n: stay away from me
          * the ghosts of Virgil Logan remmy Thomas and Jan is appear surrounding Roman*
          Logan: how could you!?
          Remy: I thought we were Bros
          Thomas: I am disappointed in you
          jan: and I loved you!
          Roman:stop Get out of my head get out my head get out of my head!
          * he fell to the ground almost defeated*
          y/n: brother are you okay?
          ( cliffhanger!)
          @_-RemusIsBroken-_ @S-SickSanders @DifferntName @-patton_sanders- @DeodorantMonster @Alec_The_Weeb @Hawks_is_Dabis_bitch @Virgil_as_a_angel @davisremi @Prinxity470 @TheAbyssaljester @RoxyGlam2 @I-nuh-snt_Roleplay @PunkTransRights @AceLesDisaster @Remus_The_Hated @-KingDonnie- @RemRomLove @Janus4SecretaryOfWar  @asagothe_fander @--Virgil--


Roman's Revenge ep.7( PREVIEW)
          news person: this just in 5 ppl found dead 
          Roman: they found me somehow they found me
          yn: oh my gosh
          ( a miniseries brought to you by AngelwithaShotgun33)
          Roman: where do you think you're going?!
          ( a sander sides AU)
          y/n: stay away from me!
          * close up on Virgil, Logan, remy,thomas and jans eyes*
          ( Roman's Revenge episode 7 coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!!)
          @_-RemusIsBroken-_ @S-SickSanders @DifferntName @-patton_sanders- @DeodorantMonster @Alec_The_Weeb @Hawks_is_Dabis_bitch @Virgil_as_a_angel @davisremi @Prinxity470 @TheAbyssaljester @RoxyGlam2 @I-nuh-snt_Roleplay @PunkTransRights @AceLesDisaster @Remus_The_Hated @-KingDonnie- @RemRomLove @Janus4SecretaryOfWar  @asagothe_fander


~Attention~ You have been chosen to be showered with love so enjoy!!!❤ Now post this on everyone's wall who you think deserves all the love in the world If you get . . . 1 back= you're loved 3 back= you're popular 5 back= you're the most loved person out there 9 back= wow I'm jealous
          @_-RemusIsBroken-_ @S-SickSanders @DifferntName @-patton_sanders- @DeodorantMonster@Alec_The_Weeb @Hawks_is_Dabis_bitch @Virgil_as_a_angel @davisremi @Prinxity470 @TheAbyssaljester @RoxyGlam2 @I-nuh-snt_Roleplay @PunkTransRights @AceLesDisaster @Remus_The_Hated @-KingDonnie- @RemRomLove @Janus4SecretaryOfWar  @asagothe_fander


Hello everyone you're probably wondering what's been happening lately with my situation well
          my grandpa is homophobic transphobic anti-abortion forcing religion down everyone's throat( there is definitely a definition for that online) sexist racist and emotionally abusive I don't think I can take that much more please this is serious what should I do? I'm really scared about what happened to me please it's 2 in the morning where I live I haven't been able to sleep because I haven't been able to dream about Pleasant stuff my mother and father died when I was younger I miss them if you are reading this please tell me!
          This post is a cry for help!
          @Alec_The_Weeb @Hawks_is_Dabis_bitch @Virgil_as_a_angel @davisremi @Prinxity470 @TheAbyssaljester @RoxyGlam2 @I-nuh-snt_Roleplay @PunkTransRights @AceLesDisaster @Remus_The_Hated @-KingDonnie- @RemRomLove @Janus4SecretaryOfWar  @asagothe_fander @_-Remus_sanders-_  @S-SickSanders @DifferntName @-patton_sanders- @DeodorantMonster