
Does anyone know how to use Musescore?? Trying to compose and the app doesn’t want to work...


Cos I am confuzzed 


Soooo, can you actually compose on the app??


@AngeloKat Yep. But I've only used the computer software so...


Does anyone know how to use Musescore?? Trying to compose and the app doesn’t want to work...


Cos I am confuzzed 


Soooo, can you actually compose on the app??


@AngeloKat Yep. But I've only used the computer software so...


Sup dudes and dudettes! Good to talk to you guys again! I MISSED YA!! Just saying that I have posted a chapter! I know, crazy right?? It is my second longest chapter and the most emotional, so grab ya tissues!! I would say I’m sorry, but.... I’m not! Not even in the slightest. 
          Also, sorry I haven’t written in a while! GCSES and all that! On the bright side, I got a 9 in art! And the rest? We don’t talk about those... Am a few weeks into sixth form and I have decided that I am never leaving! It’s so nice in sixth form!! I am doing English so I plan on doing a lot more writing, fingers crossed! 
          Onto some sad news... My book is coming to a close! I know... so sad! Only about two chapters left, if you’re lucky!! 
          After this book I am going to be writing originals, cos for the first time EVER I actually have ideas for original books! So be sure to keep and eye out for them! I have three ideas so I might just write them all at once to shake things up a bit! Hahaha... thank you for supporting me through this book, you have all been amazing!! 


Thank you!! Xx ❤️


awe yayyyyy!!!!!! ♥️


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Hey! Haven’t spoken to you guys in what seems like forever!! Just updated!! I am so proud... *wipes a tear away* 
          Sorry I haven’t updated in a while, school is being a bitch, to put it simply. I am halfway through my GCSES and am already jumping for joy! Once I have finished then, I PLAN to update every other day until I finish. 
          Couple of things I should probably tell you guys: It might probably theoretically end with a minor cliff hanger/ crossing fandoms thing. Second thing: The next boomy hat I write is going to be an original story! I have been planing it for ages!! And I can’t wait to share my babies with you!! It will be a thriller romance thing with a tonne of plot twists that you will probably kill me for, but I’m an author! I can do that! ;)
          Love you guys loads and thank you for being so patient with me! I will try to update before the end of the week then I will go mute for about two weeks... sorry!
          See you then!
          Angelokat xx


Hey guys! I know a lot of you have probably been wondering why I haven’t updated in forever. It’s because I have been trying to recover from a medical condition that has really impacted me... If you want to find out more, please go to my Instagram under the same name; angelokat. I have just done a post on my medical condition ( sort of )!
          I also want to say that I do have a chapter all written! I am just waiting for my editor to get back to me!! 
          As well as this, the book is nearing an end!! There are only about 6 planned chapters left!! But don’t worry, I have a load of cliff hangers and a somewhat plot twist at the end and a near character death, so please don’t go. And thank you to everyone who had been so patient with me, I love you all so much!!! <3


Hello, my little butterflies! Sorry for being socially dead! I know I said in my last post that I would have a chapter up soon, however I have need really struggling with my health at the moment... On top of that, I have actually had mock exams for the past few weeks, so have been preparing for that as well! My last one is on Monday! I will also have another round of mocks at Christmas, so sorry if you don’t hear from me then. I am trying to write and be creative, but am just feeling a little uninspired at the moment. 
          I do plan on writing this weekend, while peeping for my mock, but once that mock is done, I am going to spend more time actually writing! WHO KNEW!!
          Thank you for everyone who has been so thoughtful and supportive during this *cough* little *cough* hiatus. It means the world to me!! 
          The book is not finished yet, so please don’t go! There are still a lot of cliffhangers and a few plot twists left!! So hang tight, and thank you so much for waiting patiently...


Hello, my little butterflies!!! IM NOT DEAD! Who knew, right? 
          So, yes. I am alive. Sorry for being so inactive lately, as wall as the lack of update or general human contact. My health is kicking my ass at the moment! Grr. I also just wanted to let you know that I do have another chapter coming your way!! So expect it soon!!! - Angelokat xx


@BlueSweet1234 thank you!! It’s good to be back!!