
          I hope you are doing well.
          Apologies for sliding into your profile, but do check out my story if time permits. It will mean a lot!❤️
          It's a slow and subtle blooming arranged story with a realistic backdrop and real, relatable characters that you would certainly connect to.



Sorry to disturb you, not sure if you are accepting reading requests. If you aren't, please free to delete this message. 
          • •
          It was all too easy until it wasn't. 
          A tale where you throw in a dash of secret contract, a teaspoon of forced marriage pact, heaps of humour and romance and that is how you get a couple who share no commonality, Royally Trapped.
          It's a heartwarming romantic comedy that feels like a cosy blanket on a chilly day. If you enjoy this genre, I would be grateful if you gave my book a chance.


Hellow friend,
          I hope that you are doing well. Firstly I apologise for posting without permission. Do you like teen fiction with a touch of realistic and dramatic elements? If you do then you can give a chance to my new story which I have just started if your time permits obviously.I hope that you will like it. Don't forget to share your precious reviews and votes. I will truly appreciate it if you share your thoughts on my story.Have a great day.


hey there! hope life is treating you fine. I'm here to share my latest work with you and I hope you'll give it a whirl. as a new writer, your support could make all the difference. and ofc I'm ready to return the favour. thanks a bunch for checking this out. 


Hey, I want to share my Wattpad book with you. The tropes include college sweethearts, abortion, exlovers and suicide. It's filled with lots of love for a broken girl by her college sweetheart. The story covers the sensitive topics of society. I would really appreciate it if you could read and let me know your thoughts. 
          Thank you so much for your time ❤️
          Lots of love,