
Skyler. I will hunt you down and make you read Dyler on the bus. Okay kitty? It's important.


I'm writing a fanfic on the best ship in the world-Dyler. Can I get some ideas? I need something that will scare my friend. Scare, because he hates Dyler. He intends on sinking the ship, but I won't let him. So please. By all means, if you've got any OTP ideas for Dyler, please comment. I'd love to hear them. Dezi, you count too. Together we can scare him so bad, he will think twice about posting that ship fanfic he told me he was going to.


Just posted Keya's Journal. Hope you like it! It's the first thing I've posted, yet alone made and put out there for people to read, so I'm excited. If all goes well, this could be the first stepping stone I step on to becoming a future writer.