
|{ hello I'll be gone for a while..right now I'm not in a safe place mentally and am going somewhere to get help.}|


@Angel-Madoka-kaname I hope you feel better hun, I’ll be here when you come back! <3


@Angel-Madoka-kaname welcome back!!(for whenever you gat back and have gotten all the help you can :) )


|{ hello I'll be gone for a while..right now I'm not in a safe place mentally and am going somewhere to get help.}|


@Angel-Madoka-kaname I hope you feel better hun, I’ll be here when you come back! <3


@Angel-Madoka-kaname welcome back!!(for whenever you gat back and have gotten all the help you can :) )


|{ heyyyy haven't been on in a while. Off and on mostly. But I wanted to let you all know school is starting up soon and I will soon be getting a job so replying to you all will slowly get lower. Please understand this isn't on purpose as I do have a life outside of Wattpad and discord. So please understand if I don't reply for a while and or I do but it's infrequent it is not bc I hate you, but bc going to school from 6-2:30 then from there to work until late will be a hassle and roleplays will NOT take priority. I won't be texting during work and I won't during most classes. So please understand I will be trying my best and that's all I can honestly give}|


this message may be offensive
|{ I'll be on a low streak for replies for a very big while. I've been dealing with shit left right and center. Please read my newest chapter of my report/don't attack them book. And plz understand I am not in the mood to massage many}|


Take all the time you need.


|{ read my newest chapters please! Don't go harassing anyone bc you'd be just as low as them. But please do report as many of them as you can. Bc at the end of the day the "nick" guy leterally admitted to wanting to do it all just to hurt mars, while showing no proof of what mars even did}|