
Happy Mothers Day 2024 to any of your mothers please love for her and care for her, make her feel the most because my mothers day is ruined, my mother was hav8ng her crisis again and this sje took all both advil and ibuprofen pills at the same time.  And i had to call 911 and my father for this. 
          	So pls take good care of your mothers so shebdoesnt end up like mines. Rightnits a terrible day for me.


          	  Don't worry Bud.
          	  Everything is going to be good and hopefully your mom's senses will get better and we will pray for her. 
          	  God bless.


@Angbrine I’m sorry to hear that man hope and prayers to your mom and for her to get better 


Happy Mothers Day 2024 to any of your mothers please love for her and care for her, make her feel the most because my mothers day is ruined, my mother was hav8ng her crisis again and this sje took all both advil and ibuprofen pills at the same time.  And i had to call 911 and my father for this. 
          So pls take good care of your mothers so shebdoesnt end up like mines. Rightnits a terrible day for me.


            Don't worry Bud.
            Everything is going to be good and hopefully your mom's senses will get better and we will pray for her. 
            God bless.


@Angbrine I’m sorry to hear that man hope and prayers to your mom and for her to get better 


Guys somethings very wrong with my mom shes not herself lately and shes become hollow of her self, ever since last friday she was taken to rehab she came out okay but now she started to attack someone and i had to use all my strength to restrain her and into her room she started to yell and scream even threw a chair to the ground i told her stop and think what she was doing especially since she had her episodes. She even out righr told me in my face that my brother isnt her son anymore which breaks my heart. I honestly scared bamboozled and traumitzed from this expreince i dont know what else to do but try to be her support. Have you guys had something like this. 


@Angbrine that isn't normal at all. you need a doctor to see her


@Angbrine During my stay in a psychiatric rehabilitation hospital, such cases were rare.


Hey everyone just wanna know hows  everyone doing this past month anything interesting?


Well truth is ive been through such turmoil, right now my family is a bit apart but nothing major bad happens, im still trying to look for a job, and been going out with my father to his jobs to help out and gain some bread, truth i feel like i shouldnt exist but i still fighting my demons inside, 1v1 style but even so i been through some changes after a talk with mh father. But dont wry im still standing still. Thnx for asking.


@Angbrine Doing the usual. Playing online games, when I have some spare time, I write some chapters, etc. How about you? 


Guys Terrible News, Akira Toriyama has passed away, A man who created Dragon Ball in the first place is now in the Other World Training for his next Tournament, You will not be missed Toriyama :=(.


@Angbrine It's sad to hear that another legend has passed away.


@MarkDX859 It means that even though he is gone he will not be forgotten


@Angbrine uhhhhhhh what does you will not be missed, did you misread it?


I want your opinion on me being a hypocrite because of how I made certain characters like the justice league and avengers act differently than canon


@Angbrine ok I was worried because a popular writer say I'm a hypocrite because of my stories


@WAMred oh buddy calm yourself listen their are other authors who do the same so why difference does it make when you do it, some others do the same in dc and amrvel fanfics, plus the avengers and justice league arent always perfect either in comics, they all have their flaws and personalities so whos to say your a hypocrite when others are hypocrites too dont sell your self short pal, you make great stories by the way. So to be honest your not much of a hypocrite to me. Thats my opinion.


In your honest opinion guys which anime has the greatest and most baddies of them all? 
          Me Personally:
          One Piece


Depends on how we’re defining “baddies”