
Hello, everyone. Sorry I've been gone since October. I've been struggling heavily with a complete lack of inspiration on top of a lot of personal stuff. Also, since I haven't been able to talk to my writing partner, AlaricFightingSatan, in I forget how long now, I think it's safe to assume that that project is just straight up canceled... I'm gonna start actually reading some stuff here and there and hope to be inspired again. I've had many new ideas since I last attempted to write, so I hope to be able to put something out there soon. 


Hello, everyone. Sorry I've been gone since October. I've been struggling heavily with a complete lack of inspiration on top of a lot of personal stuff. Also, since I haven't been able to talk to my writing partner, AlaricFightingSatan, in I forget how long now, I think it's safe to assume that that project is just straight up canceled... I'm gonna start actually reading some stuff here and there and hope to be inspired again. I've had many new ideas since I last attempted to write, so I hope to be able to put something out there soon. 


Attention, followers! 
          I know this has been my biggest hiatus yet and I apologize for that, but things in my life have just been pretty weird overall for the past couple of months. I'm not sure how much longer this hiatus of mine will last, but I do have some big news! As those of you who were able to read my works before I deleted them may remember I never really put a whole lot of detail into my stories. I did this for two reasons. 
          A: I felt that the minimalistic approach left it more open for readers to be able to put the pieces together themselves. At the same time though, doing it this way has led to many instances of writer's block. 
          B: I admittedly have a much harder time than some people when it comes to detailed story telling as I just can't seem to come up to the level of detail that many people understandably expect from books without it feeling like I'm taking 100 words to say what could have just as easily been said in ten. I know that many people like it that way, but there's something about doing it myself that makes me feel very uneasy for some reason. 
          With all of that said, I am happy to announce that I may soon be teaming up with a friend of mine who is willing to help me out with my stories and is a fantastic writer herself. Be sure to follow her as well. Her username is Litmosphere. Anyway, that's all I wanted to say. Here's hoping my hiatus ends soon. Have a good one. 


Hey, everyone. Sorry it's been almost two months since I last updated anything. I've been having trouble coming up with inspiration. My new writing partner has also been in the hospital quite a bit and it's more difficult to speak to them than I would like, but I'm putting up with it because they're in the hospital for crying out loud! You may see in the coming days that my stuff is gone and that's because I intend on rewriting it and being more detailed. What I was trying to do before was leave how things looked intentionally vague and under detailed because I know a lot of people like to imagine what things look like instead of being straight up told what things looked like. While the minimalist approach I was going for did and still does seem creative, I feel like it may have been directly responsible for the horrible writer's block I've been having and I feel that getting rid of my stories and starting over from scratch would be easier than going in and painstakingly changing every minor detail I want changed plus adding so much... Point is, everything is being rebooted and hopefully it will be easier to come up with inspiration now that I'm not limiting myself so much. 


Attention followers:
          I apologize for the delay in my recently announced new project. Due to unforseen complications on the side of my writing partner, it will be delayed just a little bit longer. In the meantime, I will soon be starting a new work on my own. This won't be a story, per se. It will simply be something I do for the sake of lore and world building in my current works. I definitely see this as a good idea for building the universe that my stories will take place in without the use of purple prose and deus ex machina all over the place in my existing stories. I also maybe starting a whole new story entirely in the coming days. I still haven't decided yet. Also, a while back I announced that my current works maybe receiving serious rewrites. Or at least heavy edits for the sake of smoother, better paced story telling. I still fully intend to do this, though when is still a subject I have yet to make up my mind on. All I'm sure of is that my writer's block seems to be going away. Thank goodness. And one more thing: I may also be heading into fan fiction territory soon in the case of a particularly fast hedgehog. Just something I feel like doing and if it keeps the ideas flowing then all the better for you. I know that this is a big update, but I had a lot to say. Have a good one. 


Big news, everyone! After this long hiatus that was hideously plagued by writer's block, I will soon be starting a new story with my new writing partner whom you can find here as username AlaricFightingSatan. I had been wanting a writing partner for quite a while and while I do to apologize to fans of my current works because there probably still won't be a new chapter of those for a bit, I hope this new project helps to remedy my writer's block issue and helps me write better content overall as time goes on. Thank you for your patience. Have a good one.


So, I realized after my last chapter of Shrouded Origin that I went way too monolog/dialogue heavy and didn't focus enough on action. This is where I realized that I'm making my chapters way too long. I'm currently unsure at the time of this message if I will go back and fix the issues very clearly present in earlier chapters, though I'm heavily leaning towards doing that. In the meantime, I have decided that the purple prose can't be tolerated and will avoid overexposing things and try to pace things to the best of my abilities. As a result, my chapters will likely be much shorter as time goes on, but this will probably be beneficial to those who don't have time to read overly long chapters. With the stories evolving overtime in my head, I'm also not sure how much longer I'll be updating stories such as Shrouded Origin before taking a break and catching up/starting more stories. I'll keep you notified.


After some heavy reconsideration, I have decided to put my original stories on here... eventually. For the sake of making the grand story feel more alive, I will be writing chapters and starting new stories as they chronologically happen in the overall plot. That being said, the original stories don't actually begin until quite a while down the line. And having written two chapters into Donnie’s story (with another on the way at the time of this update) does not mean that the whole story starts with Donnie. He’s just who I decided to write first. These stories take place simultaneously, and if/when people start to get confused by how this is possible, just know that I will explain it with time, assuming I don't leave Wattpad again, which I have no intention of doing any time soon. That being said, a new chapter of Blood of the Zeraus Clan (the title of which I may or may not change in the coming days) will be added some time between today and Monday. And I may be starting on another new story soon. You'll just have to wait and see.