
New illustration added to chapter 2 of SYA


Seven Years After is officially off haitus. I don't know when the next chapter will be done but I finished pretty much all of my rewrites unless I make minor edits in the future.
          As such the list of scenes/chapters that should be reread by old readers is as follows:
          Chapter 1- End (Some cool new wording at the beginning though)
          Chapter 3- Second half
          Chapter 6- Most of it besides the first part
          Chapter 7- First part
          Chapter 9- End
          Chapter 10- Last part
          There are new bits of characterization all over the place, but these are the main areas I deemed important for understanding of the plot.
          Thanks for sticking with me all this time, I know my writing's not the best but I like doing this and uploading it for people to see. Love you guys even if I hate wattpad <3


btw i will literally have no time over the summer to write so don't count on a lot of updates like last year


Okay so update. Seven Years After is on an indefinite haitus until I fix that awful story like oh god the plot is a MESS. I realized after writing the assassin AU and actually having like a cohesive plot without holes that my other big fic is just bad.
          Another thing is that the Assassin AU will not be posted on here! It's on Ao3 like usual, knock yourself out.
          Uh yeah, I'm a busy person and I don't really like Wattpad that much so I assure you at some point there will be another update of something (I think I'll post a little two chapter thing I have when I finish the second chapter) but I'm gonna be gone fixing stuff probably at least until the summer.
          Bye! Thanks for the support here, it's appreciated even though I don't check stuff <3


updated the cover of seven years cause i had that drawing in my drafts for like 6 months and i decided to fix it


I'm not even halfway done with this month's chapter and my self made deadline is on the 30th I've been so busy and distracted aughhhhh
          Well time to kick it into overdrive, I'll probably just end up posting two in october tbh


I really relate to procrastinating one fic to work on another cause I'll be having so much fun with one while I leave the others to rot for like up to a month. Especially because I'll just forget how to write but only on certain fics so the only way I can feel productive is by working on the thing that I want to work on rather than the thing I have to work on.
          This carries over onto schoolwork which does create a bit of a problem when I have an essay in english and I'm just working on something completely unrelated instead.


@Andr0mesa I mean I can relate to you sometime we lose our motivation to do it especially if you want something different 


Can you make a Kiyokei COTE related Zombie Apocalypse? That will be really good. Also I'm the one who made COTE Re:Start


@Andr0mesa Cool I hope I can see that in the future 


@Darkberserk21 Oh nice! Honestly I doubt I'll write it just because I'm going to be back to being busy with school in around a week and I have other projects I want to work on but I will add it to my (very long) ideas doc.