
Story idea: so u can do like a normal legolasXreader story but then y/n gets pregnant while on the quest  and doesn’t find out she is until they reach Rohan . Legolas doesn’t want y/n fighting but y/n can’t just sit there and do nothing so she disguises as a man and fights along and when Legolas finds out y/n was fighting while carrying their child they have a argument and if anybody does write one like this u decide the rest (smut or no smut is okay) I would write a story but I won’t be able to update bc I’m very busy but I would love if somebody does a story like this or knows a story like this and tells me 


Story idea: so u can do like a normal legolasXreader story but then y/n gets pregnant while on the quest  and doesn’t find out she is until they reach Rohan . Legolas doesn’t want y/n fighting but y/n can’t just sit there and do nothing so she disguises as a man and fights along and when Legolas finds out y/n was fighting while carrying their child they have a argument and if anybody does write one like this u decide the rest (smut or no smut is okay) I would write a story but I won’t be able to update bc I’m very busy but I would love if somebody does a story like this or knows a story like this and tells me