
Is it weird that I'm getting emotional that wattpad is, according to the internet, the fourth most popular fan fiction website. Ive spent so much time on this app because of how entertaining the stories are on here. I'm proud of how much wattpad has progressed as an app..... Sorry for being dramatic but I'm happy right now. 


Is it weird that my Instagram username is really similar to ur username? My insta username is that_slytherin_weeb and I just find it coincidental, and no I'm not trying to give myself a shameless self promo type of thing...


@slytherin_weeeeb That is really weird, but I think its because we both have good taste in usernames 


Is it weird that I'm getting emotional that wattpad is, according to the internet, the fourth most popular fan fiction website. Ive spent so much time on this app because of how entertaining the stories are on here. I'm proud of how much wattpad has progressed as an app..... Sorry for being dramatic but I'm happy right now. 


I just want to make a comment. I have recently began to look at the ship Kid x Crona. MANY people seem to disagree with that, because they are complete  opposites and they have no relationship in the anime. I do agree that they dont have any relationship in the anime, but I think that they would be cute because of there reasons....
          1. Usually it is said that you should end up with someone who is the complete opposite of you which is the case for Kid and Crona 
          2. Kid seemed like the only person besides Maka who didn't pity crona.
          3. I just dont get how you cant ship them after seeing the fan art online.
          ...ok that's it.


            It wasn't until I started watching Soul Eater that in truth, by instinct, I paired characters that interested me in a series. Starting to know of the shipp gave me such a "before and after" experience xD
            Literally, It had never happened to me. Before discovering that the shipp existed, even before watching the complete series, or reading the manga until the end, I paired them. This is, although it may sound like a lie, the first Shipp that I formed on my own and started to support.
            The way I considered Fandoms changed completely, from being someone desinderesed to one more fanficker, fanart artist and excited reader and creator.


Hello~ @TheSlytherinOtaku 
            Here where I'm from, in México's Soul Eater fandom, is quite accepted almost any kind of shipp. Included Kid x Crona.
            There will always be people who disagree, and I respect the opinions of other people.
            That won't stop me from continuing drawing, creating more stories. For me it is a very beneficial lucky to have the opportunity to do so.
            A shipp does not need the characters to have had a "relationship" as such. They actually are really cute, don't worry, you're not the only one shipping them.
            Fans (mostly) used to pair Crona with Death The Kid a lot when the series was just beginning.