
So... You guys might be happy to know that after about a month (?) of silence my account is F*CKING FINALLY working again. As I am WAY too lazy to read through all your messages (I know, I'm a terrible person and I'm truly sorry for it T-T), what did I miss? O.o
          	Does anybody care to enlighten me? xD


@Amoryna025  halt gefälligst die Klappe!
          	  Warum wundert mich das nicht? 


@-Heartbreaker-Demon-  *initiiere Lachflash* xD


Hi! U alive!?!


            no prob i read it cause of translation thing in google


@saffy_saffron My account is working for now...
            Btw to your message from a while back: I would love to do an english bio but wattpad won't allow me enough space...


Paste this♥ on the ♥ ten nicest ♥ people's profiles ♥ and if you get 10 ♥ back then ♥ you are ♥ really special


@saffy_saffron Right back to you ^^


@saffy_saffron Aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


So... You guys might be happy to know that after about a month (?) of silence my account is F*CKING FINALLY working again. As I am WAY too lazy to read through all your messages (I know, I'm a terrible person and I'm truly sorry for it T-T), what did I miss? O.o
          Does anybody care to enlighten me? xD


@Amoryna025  halt gefälligst die Klappe!
            Warum wundert mich das nicht? 


@-Heartbreaker-Demon-  *initiiere Lachflash* xD


          I figured it was time for some major changes of this profile.
          As much as I hate it, I should finally admit that I'm not into ContestShipping anymore. Or into Pokémon. Not at all.
          And yeah, I'm very well aware of the fact that most of you do only follow me because I used to write about that. Which I won't be doing anymore. I'm very sorry for any of you who might have been hoping for updates of any of those, but I can't help it. Not if the inspiration is gone. Even if I feel so damn pathetic because of it. 
          Also, in general, I won't use this account for readimg anymore. And most likely not writing either. 
          As you might have guessed, my life is pretty much Attack on Titan-centered right now. It's pretty much what replaced my obsession for pokémon. But I don't feel ready to write anything about that Fandom yet. And maybe I ever will. 
          However, that's pretty much it! Thank you all for the support you've given me in the past and hopefully still will!
          Have a nice day! 
          Für meine deutschsprachigen Freunde:
          So, ich mache es kurz und knackig. ContestShipping und ich/ Drew und ich sind seit einiger Zeit geschiedene Leute. Meine Begeisterung für Pokémon ist fast gänzlich verflogen, weshalb ich keinerlei Inspiration mehr dafür übrig habe. Ich weiß, es ist erbärmlich und tut mir ernsthaft leid für diejenigen, die Gefallen an meinen Geschichten gefallen haben. Und doch kann ich eigentlich nichts dagegen tun. 
          Wenn allerdings zufällig jemand unter euch sein sollte, der gerne ein Pläuschchen über Attack on Titan halten mochte, ich bin euer Ansprechpartner Nummer Eins! (Neuer Lieblingsanime, wie ihr vielleicht schon erraten habt...) Deshalb werde ich auf Wattpad in nächster Zeit wohl weder lesen noch Geschichten schreiben. 
          Aber das war es auch schon von meiner Seite. Habt einen schönen Tag!


@ Amoryna025  Oha und ach du scheiße, so siehts also momentan aus, autsch. Aber mach dir keinen Stress, es ist völlig normal das sich Interessen ändern (wie du bei mir sicher schon gemerkt hast Kappi xD) und Joar, mach dir keinen Stress ❤


@_SmolDevil_  Well, I'm at least trying xD
            @YouDontKnowShipping  Thank you sooooooo much for your kind and poetic words T°T
            And your understanding. In moments like these I'm reminded of just how thankful I am to be friends with you ❤❤❤


Read till the end! I sent an angel to watch over you last night,but it came back and I asked "why?" The angel said, "angels don't watch over angels!" Twenty angels are in your world. Ten are sleeping,nine of them are playing and one is reading this message. The universe has seen you struggling with some things and says its over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in Karna send this message to 14 friends including me,if I don't get it back,I guess I'm not one of them. As soon as you get 5 replies,someone you love will quietly suprise you... Not joking. Pass this message in. Please don't ignore it. You are being tested and Karma is going to fix two big things tonight in your favor. If you believe in Karma drop everything and pass it on. TOMORROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. DON'T BREAK THIS. SEND THIS TO 14 FRIENDS IN 10 MINUTES IT'S NOT THAT HARD. WHOEVER SENT THIS TO YOU MUST CARE ABOUT YOU 


@ValueLouTheTrue__  Awwwww ❤❤❤❤
            Yeah, I know that one. It's adorable