
this message may be offensive
Hello everyone my name is Amelia or Millie..... I just want to express something...... What are with the haters that are always posting on people's stories with things like " this is crap go kill yourself" Why?! Why would you tell someone to kill themselves just because you may not like there story? I posted something on someone's story a little while ago, I was just being a " retard?" And they reported me.... Normal people would be pissed but in a matter of fact I am not pissed....... I am a little upset sure but I am just thinking of what this person could be going through right now..... Maybe someone has been writing extremely hurtful comments on their story and yeah I get it they could be upset..... Everyone including myself sometimes needs to think before they type/talk.....


Forget the haters i think your story is brilliant :) 


this message may be offensive
Hello everyone my name is Amelia or Millie..... I just want to express something...... What are with the haters that are always posting on people's stories with things like " this is crap go kill yourself" Why?! Why would you tell someone to kill themselves just because you may not like there story? I posted something on someone's story a little while ago, I was just being a " retard?" And they reported me.... Normal people would be pissed but in a matter of fact I am not pissed....... I am a little upset sure but I am just thinking of what this person could be going through right now..... Maybe someone has been writing extremely hurtful comments on their story and yeah I get it they could be upset..... Everyone including myself sometimes needs to think before they type/talk.....


Forget the haters i think your story is brilliant :) 