
Apparently my doc said I'm mentally unstable, indecisive and unable to figure out my priorities. So I'm letting go of things I'm unable to make myself do, and sadly, being able to enjoy reading is one of the things I find no joy in nowadays. So I'm living my life w the absence of books and words because then I'll start on the what ifs of life. I've decided to stay low for a while, and I'm sorry if my decision affects some of my past ties as well. Love y'all bunches, and I'll fight to be who I was once more, even though the path is long and challenging. I hope y'all have a very nice life. 


@Psycho_Mia hope you do too! Good luck and I hope you find inspiration and joy and most of all what you're looking for! :)


Apparently my doc said I'm mentally unstable, indecisive and unable to figure out my priorities. So I'm letting go of things I'm unable to make myself do, and sadly, being able to enjoy reading is one of the things I find no joy in nowadays. So I'm living my life w the absence of books and words because then I'll start on the what ifs of life. I've decided to stay low for a while, and I'm sorry if my decision affects some of my past ties as well. Love y'all bunches, and I'll fight to be who I was once more, even though the path is long and challenging. I hope y'all have a very nice life. 


@Psycho_Mia hope you do too! Good luck and I hope you find inspiration and joy and most of all what you're looking for! :)


Soo... I'm baaackkkkk (I'm not sure if anyone w read this or noticed how I've been MIA for... Idk hahahaha) but I'm alive (sadly) and still kickin sooo... Yeah... Welcome back to me, I guess? 


@Psycho_Mia welcome back! Now we can leave witty comments together!


How to knock down the fourth wall (or whatev dat is) aka writers block? 


@Pandiabit that helps..only that im at loss on what to write atm lol 


@Psycho_Mia sometimes i open up a blank doc and write whatever crap i want for a solid ten-fifteen minutes. usually after that i'm back in the groove of things. also, listening to music that fits the mood of the story im writing inspires me to write more


this message may be offensive
My mom told me I should kill myself. Her words make me wonder if the world would be a better place if I were gone. It's not the first time nor it would be the last. 
          The question is, should I or shouldn't I? 
          Most of you must have thought of how pathetic I am rn, but this is my cry of help to see who will care. 
          All my life, nobody cares. 
          Or maybe you guys should ignore this and move on with ur lives. I'm just a stranger anyways. A teen who can't make up her own mind on something, always following others like a cow. 
          Maybe I am pathetic huh? 
          It's just... I'm tired of fighting. I'm tired of living. I got shunned out from my friends, my bf dumps me,my family always making me feel like shit .
          I did try search for help.lets say it doesnt work out.
          The world now calls me a betrayer,ugly,liar,manipulative,crazy and a bitch.
          Dont blame me if one day i disappear.


@Psycho_Mia pathetic or otherwise, moody teen or otherwise, each and every life is a blessing. We have lows and highs, but just because the light is shining on others around you doesn't mean that it will never shine on you. They say that we have the low points in our life so the high points can be that much better, and that is actually true, when you think about it. 
            We all get shunned by our friends sometimes. That just tells us that it's time to leave them and find people who really care. We all get dumped sometimes (well not me 'cause ima single pringle yeah). That tells us that he just wasn't the right guy. We all get put down by family members sometimes. That tells us that they also often find themselves down in the dumps as you are, looking for an outlet for their emotions. And we all get tired of living sometimes, but that doesn't mean we're done living. 
            Now, I'm no therapist, but depression and suicidal thoughts are a pretty widespread problem. I'd be lying if I said I'd never been dead inside. What I'm trying to say is, no matter where you look, you will always find someone who can listen and understand, someone who is willing to listen and understand. It may take a while to find this someone, but all you have to do is look a little more carefully. 
            None of us are perfect, and that's okay. Some of us may be more problematic than others, and that's okay. The fight may get hard sometimes, and that's okay. Hold your head up and keep fighting. Talk to someone, whether it be a suicide hotline or a small community online. I can't promise anything, but I can say that one day, it will get better. Just hold tight and wait a while. It will get better.
            This is getting long, and super cliché, but I mean all of it sincerely. There will be people who care. You just haven't met them yet. 
            So please, don't end your life when you could do so much more.


             Can you check my book on my profile, its the only one there.
          Thank you , if this one doesn't work out, I'm giving up on wattpad


@PrincessCrystalAngel Thank you *sniffs* that was very inspiring.


@the_icecream_goblin first, never give up. Its okay, you've got an army of me to march along into the war with you!