
Sooooo glad 8th grade is OVER


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staring at the wall in inredible period pain wondering how long until i lose someone else and how long until i have to feel everything fall apart and watch the same thing happen to everyone else i care about and fucking lose everyone else i have because i cant keep my shit together


My mom complimented my writing today cause i was reading off an email i sent to my teacher
          Dear Mrs ___,
          My mom's making me email you because she's evil. Anyways, she wanted me to let you know I MIGHT be a little late for volleyball due to a poorly timed dentist appointment. Hope this doesn't ruin everything. Braces suck.
          6th period
          and my mom was all "dude your writing is so freaking funnnnyyyyy and good" AND I WAS LIKE IT ISSS?!?!?!?!? cause like i love when people compliemnt my writing especially when i put effort into it cause THATS WHAT I WANNA DO WITH MY LIFE like eeeee