
Hi, watty. Still alive, thank you for your concern tho


Hi, Watty. I'm here again to seek your comfort. I was ready to end it all. I'm so broken beyond repair, too tired right now. I've been bawling my eyes out. My heart hurts, it's so heavy. I want to permanently delete all my accounts at this very moment so if I di*e, I won't leave any traces behind. I want to disappear somewhere and never be found. This world is cruel. 
          Funny,  no one will understand how hard it was to wait for someone to notice your silent pleas and cries while screaming and crying, I had no one to run to. I was all alone dealing with all my shi*ts. Losing my mind, trembling, inflicting pain on myself just so I won't lose it. I'm trying. Wala ako masabihan and I don't want people to think na I was being dramatic. No, I am not. If only they knew how tired I am. I can keep this all to myself but today I wish I had someone.  Just one.