
@KingforaMinority Why thank you, I quite like it myself :)


I just want to say thank you for all of the amazing feedback on Letters To My Father. I honestly did not expect that, like, at all. I had it saved on here for months now, debating about publishing it or not. It means so much to me to see that you guys like it. You can probably see why it is harder to write because it is on such a personal level, but thank you nonetheless for your comments and votes. And yes, it is 99% true. The only thing I have changed would be some of the descriptions. But seriously, thank you, so much.


Hey. Hey you. Yeah you reading this. Stop whatever you may be doing on this website and go follow @EverAfterlover. Her stories are amazing and she is so so so so so so so so so close to 100 followers and she deserves it cause yeah. Her stories are amazing. And she has excellent music taste, so there's that. So yeah. Go. Follow. Now. Thank you :)