
Will there be any update??
          Hope u r doing fine...


Hi! First I’m sorry for replying so late… almost a year  I was in a real bad place and took time off writing. Unfortunately, as I came back to Wattpad to update my story, I realized that it was gone or deleted. I am not sure if it was reported and Wattpad decided to delete it because I did not do anything to it and just left it where the book was currently updated before I went for a break. I am really sorry for not being able to be present and for not replying. But the deletion of my story sent me into another spiral downwards and now, I am not sure how to move on because it was a huge hit to me that it was deleted. I’m hoping I’ll be able to overcome this and that I’ll be able to finish my book. I also hope the people who were following the story are still interested to read about it again. Thank you for checking up on me. I will do my best to do this story justice and give it my everything. 


Are you going to update troubled waters 


Hi! I am sorry for being MIA and not responding to you immediately. To answer your question, yes, I planned to. However, as I returned to Wattpad, I found my book gone and I don’t know how it got deleted because I did not do that. This made me deeply hurt and upset again and sent me once more in the dark path I was trying to heal from. I found joy in other things and I tried to be better but I honestly am having trouble finding it in me to proceed because it had been a huge blow finding Troubled Waters gone after I poured out my everything in it. Hopefully when I found my footing again, the people who once liked reading it would continue to read it. Thank you so much for your message and again, I’m sorry.


Giiirl ): I send you an email because I can’t write you on Instagraaaam xD
          Answer meee xd


Hello! I am really sorry for not replying immediately. Thank you for sending me an email, I will reply to you there as well. I have replied to another person about what is going on with me, and I know it’s been years and I am only replying to you now. There’s no excuse on my part. I was having a really difficult time and it had been hard for me to put my passion into the book when I was hating myself and everything I wrote. Also, life happened and when I felt ready to continue the story, it was gone on Wattpad. I don’t know how it got deleted because I didn’t do that. It made me very sad and upset again and I distanced myself because of this. I found joy and peace in other things and tried to feel better. Now, I am not sure how I would proceed with my story being deleted but I do hope that when I found my footing again and continue where I left off, that the people who once found it enjoyable would also continue to read it. Thank you for your kindness and again, I am sorry.