
Hey guys! I just posted a new chapter in oddball!!! Go check it out and my nickname contest is still going. I really want a formal way to address you guys/girls instead of guys/girls so get those names in!!!! Love y'all and until next time 


Hey guys! I just posted a new chapter in oddball!!! Go check it out and my nickname contest is still going. I really want a formal way to address you guys/girls instead of guys/girls so get those names in!!!! Love y'all and until next time 


hey guys!!! i am going to try and update every week so if im late just tell me. love you guys and my name contest is still going on and i really want to know what you guys (and girls) want to be nicknamed!! 
          until next time... BYE!!!


Hey guys!!!! I'm writing a new book! It's going to be awesome. I'll keep you posted! I'm also having....A CONTEST!!!! I need a name for my followers and readers. To enter, just comment a name for yourselves and I will pick the top three. I'll choose from the three and the one I choose is the winner winner chicken dinner!!!! Idk what that is but you'll be it!!! 
          Until next time loves,