
It's today, it's today! Switch is now available on Amazon as an ebook AND as a paperback!
          	If you'd like to learn a little more about Peterborough, the city that the witches call home, Armand Rosamilia was kind enough to share a guest post on his blog that delves into the history of Ontario's most haunted city!


It's today, it's today! Switch is now available on Amazon as an ebook AND as a paperback!

          If you'd like to learn a little more about Peterborough, the city that the witches call home, Armand Rosamilia was kind enough to share a guest post on his blog that delves into the history of Ontario's most haunted city!


I'm proud to announce that Switch is now available for pre-order on! Visit the link below to order your own copy.

          Once the ebook is released on July 20th, the WattPad version of Switch will disappear forever! Thanks so much for reading along, and for all the love you've shown both me and Maggie along the way. I wouldn't be here without you, and Switch wouldn't be what it is today.
          Thank you.


Hello my lovelies! It's been a while since I've posted an updated, but I'm happy to announce that Switch has just been sent off for a final round of proofreading - the ebook will be available this month, with the paperback soon to follow.
          In anticipation, I've set up a Goodreads page for Switch - you can now add it to your bookshelves, and if you really love me, you can even leave a review!


Thanks so much to all those who voted in my cover art contest - cover #3 was the winner by a land-slide! Now that the cover art is decided, the pre-release listing for Switch has been posted over at GoodReads.

          I would love to see some honest reviews before the official release - I received what feels like hundreds of wonderful comments while Switch was being posted here at WattPad, and if any of you would like to take those comments over to GoodReads, I'd be eternally grateful.
          Thank you. I love you all!


I'm proud to announce the release of my first cover option for Switch! Just visit the link below to take a look:

          Over this week, I'll be revealing five possible covers for Switch. At the end, it'll be up to you guys to vote on which cover will make it to publication! I'll be taking suggestions for any alterations and changes along the way - if you'd like to join the discussion, just visit my Facebook page!