
Hi everyone! I'm so so sorry for the lack of updates for Purple Glass as I have been busy with work and other stuff but I promise there will be an update tomorrow :(( 
          	Anyways, stay safe and take care guys ✨✨


Helloo my fellow readers !
          I am so so happy to announce that the chapter one of the collaborative work I'd been working on alongside my friend @Vennywinters has been published !! 
          We hope you would enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it :)))
          Have a great morning/afternoon/night people and as always, happy reading ! 


Heyyy readerss,
          I would like to let y'all know that I've been working on a collaborative project together with my friend @Vennywinters and we are so excited to publish it on Wednesday !! 
          Hope to see y'all there <33
          Also, do check out @Vennywinters work coz they are amazing fkskjfs 


@Allyson_Goode HUSHHHHHH we gon' have this conversation when you wake up, I'm not letting you off that easily


Hi readers ! I know it's been a while but I've finally published the second book to Purple Blood as promised ! 
          I hope you'll enjoy this book as much as you did for my previous one 
          Happy Reading. Love y'all 


@Allyson_Goode very much excited to see where this goessss jsjs