
First off thank y’all so much! I love you all and really appreciate all the support on this shitty book! Once again thank you so much!!!!! I never thought I would make it this far in this book! Also update on chapter 18 it’s coming but very slowly! I don’t know if I have told y’all but I’m putting this book on slow updates for the simple fact of I barely have the motivation/time to write anymore- I’m sorry it’s not coming out as fast as many people would like and I would like but I’m trying! But thank you all so much once again!! I am super happy with how this book is coming along though and I just love you all and appreciate every single one of you!! Have a good rest of the day or night! ❤️


First off thank y’all so much! I love you all and really appreciate all the support on this shitty book! Once again thank you so much!!!!! I never thought I would make it this far in this book! Also update on chapter 18 it’s coming but very slowly! I don’t know if I have told y’all but I’m putting this book on slow updates for the simple fact of I barely have the motivation/time to write anymore- I’m sorry it’s not coming out as fast as many people would like and I would like but I’m trying! But thank you all so much once again!! I am super happy with how this book is coming along though and I just love you all and appreciate every single one of you!! Have a good rest of the day or night! ❤️