
Hey guys. I'm starting a new story...... to check that out how it is


@Alkaa1 yeah sure, your stories are amazing



@sidnaaz_devil12 you are copying my concept and advertising it on my story..... through my readers.....isn't it being indecent of you..... before trying to copy someone's original idea you should take permission from that person


Hello dear author for I am sorry if this message is going to be so long, it is my feeling toward you and your stories especially ragini POV I literally don't know how you get the ideas to portray in your stories like I never saw any author being so amazing. One day I was just reading a Ragini story and from there I got your student Recommendation of Neil Ragini one and I thought I should read it and the story is a bomb I am in no matter how many story you are writing right now or you have wrote but that  was the most prettiest according to me. You know what initially like others I also used to hate ragini's character but when I was re- watch the show I was like ragini was not always evil, she used to be the innocent and sweetest girl in starting but people around her made her evil and selfish. I hate Swara and Sharmistha for not telling Ragini about Laksh real feelings I mean they knew right that Lakh doesn't like Ragini, he is in love with Swara but this still decided to be quiet and on the day of Ragini's engagement they decided to tell her like are you guyss for real, she was in love with the guy who was her fiance and today on the day of her engagement her FREAKING FIANCE tells her that he loves her step sister not HER I mean are you fukkking real bro huh. 


@angelicfictions thank you so much dear for liking my work


this message may be offensive
@angelicfictions I think the creators did so much injustice to ragini's character I feel like Ragini deserves better, Janki deserves better. Even after knowing this she was ready for their marriage but still their marriage(Lakh-Swara) could happen later right but they decided to do their engagement within some time huh they are worst and most worst person in the show is SANSKAAR he was the guy she cares for the most, she trusted the most even he was the only one who LEAD her to the worst way and left her hand in middle like seriously suddenly you want to be a good son for your family huh. Everyone cheated her Sharmishtha, Sansar, Swara, Laksh and every member of Maheswari I think everyone did nad to her specially her father I think I hate the man so much, he is the worst man to be ever exist like a fucking cheater, he ruined Jaanki's life, Sharmishtha life, Swara childhood and most importantly RAGINI'S WHOLE LIFE he is literally a spineless man and i know Ragini also did worst thing but why do we always forget that the Villains are the lost HEROES please don't hate her anyway Thank you for showing us the beautiful character of Ragini which the director of the show couldn't do but you did and I'm loving your other stories but Ragini ones are my fav and i hope you'll continue ENDURED PAIN soon and i request to write a another fanfic on Ragini sorry if I'm sounding selfish but I'm just so attached with your way of writing especially the RAGINI ones. Sorry if any of my words hurt you and I'm not forcing you to write it's your choice after all but still THANK YOU  and LOVE YOUR STORIES 