
this message may be offensive
WOAH! I haven't been here.. for a while lmao. I think I'm going to make a new account, and no, I will still write. Not many know my stories or I don't know if many care, but I'm looking forward to start posting poetry. Upon the realization It's really hard for me to write storybooks, poetry is my go-to. I've improved so much on poetry haha, anyways, my new account is called Aftergl0 or some shit
          	This account I'm on right now holds a lot of embarrassing shit. That's why, I'm leaving it (hopefully) forever, it will take me a while to delete it though. I've had this sincerely 2018. I was like.. 9 in 2018. I'm 14 now, and loading this account with my over 500+ stories in my library takes a while. I'm so sorry for whoever I have ridiculed with my young, naïve, obnoxious wrath. I am a better man now. Yes.
          	Goodbye, if you see my new account.. yes. It's poetry. Poetry.


this message may be offensive
@AlizaTrash Tis is I, After Your Fucking Glow. What am I even supposed to say.. heyo? Bye? Bye.


this message may be offensive
WOAH! I haven't been here.. for a while lmao. I think I'm going to make a new account, and no, I will still write. Not many know my stories or I don't know if many care, but I'm looking forward to start posting poetry. Upon the realization It's really hard for me to write storybooks, poetry is my go-to. I've improved so much on poetry haha, anyways, my new account is called Aftergl0 or some shit
          This account I'm on right now holds a lot of embarrassing shit. That's why, I'm leaving it (hopefully) forever, it will take me a while to delete it though. I've had this sincerely 2018. I was like.. 9 in 2018. I'm 14 now, and loading this account with my over 500+ stories in my library takes a while. I'm so sorry for whoever I have ridiculed with my young, naïve, obnoxious wrath. I am a better man now. Yes.
          Goodbye, if you see my new account.. yes. It's poetry. Poetry.


this message may be offensive
@AlizaTrash Tis is I, After Your Fucking Glow. What am I even supposed to say.. heyo? Bye? Bye.


Join @Izzyg434 's Warriors rp they are making(aaa I don't know your pronouns) because it's going to be super duper cool and stuff like that obviously 
          Anyways have a good day/night wherever you are! MAKE SURE TO EAT AND DRINK WATER...




this message may be offensive
If you see this please report this book and user, they're sexualizing minors, and it's fucking disgusting.


@Izzyg434 Pls idk if any of my followers like warriors but I'll but a message up on my board that will notify them lmao 
            I havent done roleplay with anyone else other than one person for like 5 years- I'm excited I'll for sure join >:]


@AlizaTrash that's it, I'm making a warriors rp
            invite ur followers : P




hey <33
          hi !! I'm Gio, or fully known as giolibi and I'd like to openly say a huge THANK YOU !! Truly from the bottom of my heart for following and getting me to 290 :,) that goal is- INSANE and literally wouldn't be possible without you :0 SO HUGE HUGE THANK YOU- and I wish you a very amazing day <3 I really hope you'll enjoy my stories like See You Again and Calendar Girl :) LOVE YOU MWUAH !!


@AlizaTrash awe that's so sweet of you- it's touching to know I'm someones favourite author :,) Don't be afraid to message me or anything ! I'm not scary I promise haha <3


            Hello! It's really no problem, I love your stories and you're so good at writing. I wish you a  good day or night <3 I'm still continuing to enjoy your stories, and I'll always make sure to reread! love ya! <33


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better ❤️


            Thank you so much! You're very sweet ❤️


@ScarlettBlackDaisy Your work is already amazing, for me I appreciate put of every follower and reader you have you've come and thanked me. I'm glad I've made your day better, this message has made my day better as well. ❤