
If no one is commenting my stuff that I post Im thinking about stopping I been writing sober for the 2 months and no one seems to comment or read it seems im only doing it to make my self write again but with no one commenting it doesnt make me want to write it on here anymore and dont want to do that so plaese comment


If no one is commenting my stuff that I post Im thinking about stopping I been writing sober for the 2 months and no one seems to comment or read it seems im only doing it to make my self write again but with no one commenting it doesnt make me want to write it on here anymore and dont want to do that so plaese comment


@donaldsboo12 We did? I don't remember and yeahh I can't get on my YouTube channle anymore because they changed it and I don't know my email account I used lol


@donaldsboo12  I found them on Highly request from my story when I would post a little Brother


@Aligirl90 nice lol how did you find joick stories when I first got on here I couldn't find a single one