
Hello everyone :) I just wanted to let you know that I've just uploaded another one of my "Helping Hand" series for The Amazing Spider-Man. If you aren't familiar with this story of mine then I'd suggest you read it as it's one I'm most proud of. And I just wanted to ask if anyone would mind sharing it with any marvel fans they might know, to get it out there a bit more? Comments and feedback are always very helpful and appreciated too. Every bit helps. Thank you for reading this message, and for your support. I hope you have a wonderful day :)


Beautiful person award. Once you get this award you need to give it to eight people. It’s not necessary, but it’s nice to know that people think you’re a beautiful person inside and out. You are a special individual, and everyone who knows you is lucky, so don’t let anyone tell you differently. 


Hello everyone :) I just wanted to let you know that I've just uploaded another one of my "Helping Hand" series for The Amazing Spider-Man. If you aren't familiar with this story of mine then I'd suggest you read it as it's one I'm most proud of. And I just wanted to ask if anyone would mind sharing it with any marvel fans they might know, to get it out there a bit more? Comments and feedback are always very helpful and appreciated too. Every bit helps. Thank you for reading this message, and for your support. I hope you have a wonderful day :)