
When ever I start feeling really down I log into this website and read all the comments and notifications and you guys always make me feel better. Most supportive website ever. 
          	I'm about to get a decent amount of free time so I'll be streaming on twitch, MIGHT be writing, and will be getting back into art and what not. 
          	If i do get back into writing I won't be continuing any previous books. I'm sorry to say this but I wrote them when I was 15 and I'm turning 22 this year. I just can't put myself in those characters anymore or even think of how the story should go. I'll leave that up to your imaginations ;)
          	Any generalized plot ideas yall wanna read?


@AliceW12346 Hi Alice. I know you will never see this message, but I would like to say that you're an extrodinary writer and I know that you will have a bright future in front of you. You are one of my favourite writer yet, and I only have 3, including you. I hope you have a great life and get the inspiration to update some of your Wattpad books again.


@AliceW12346 I love your book. Hope you get inspiration to write again. c:
          	  Inspired to write as well as you can.