
I lied. I'm back :D


@AliceVermillion27  please continued the president to boss!! i begging you! i like the story!


I have completed He Deserves Better. It might not be the whole chapters but at least I'm leaving with no regrets. Enjoy the latest chapter! Thank you for all your non-stop support even if I'm on a long hiatus. Just message if you want me to have closure on my other stories too so I can find some time. 
          Also, expect another extra chapter for my last fanart for HDB. If you have any fanart for me, just send it to my abandoned page on fb XD and I'll post it :
          (But I doubt someone will hahahaha )
          But for now, this is officially my goodbye to the khr fanfiction world.. I might not be writing anymore but I'm still a reader. Until next time guys! Expect some original stories and comics from me in the future.


@AliceVermillion27 I'm start thinking that the ending will be the same, yet you shock me with a different story...Good job @AliceVemillion27


please update 'he deserves better' Alice-san
          other of your readers wants you to update 'my lover is a killer' and 'from president to boss'
          your stories are deserving for updates alice-san! ^-^
          thank you for listening!