
Hey guys! Chapter 25 of Lex Veritas is out now. Enjoy your reading! <3


Hey there Aliana! I have read your stories and trust me I loved every part of it. There are not many writers who would have been able to write this story in such an amazing way. I saw that you have PAUSED your story. I won't say that I'm not disheartened but I understand. There must be some reason why you are not writing further. I hope you are good on all levels. I really wish you would start writing again. Lastly, I wish you all the best for your veterinary course and life.
          Miss you!
          You fan and well-wisher☺


@AlianaGenova its nearing 2024 ...when are u going to resume the story please update.....


@AlianaGenova Hey there....please don't rush for any reasons. Take your time....complete your graduation and  start writing only when you feel like it.


@JahanviGautam Thank you so much for liking my stories! It always makes me happy to read comments like these! <3 I had paused the story because I had to focus on my studies. In 2022 I’m graduating veterinary university and the last two years are the hardest to handle when it comes to time. I simply need to focus my time on studying and working at hospitals as an intern. I am trying to get back to writing, I really am, because I hate unfinished stories myself, but I need more of free time for that to happen and at this moment, I don’t really have that time to do so and I apologize for that. I worked on these stories for a long time and I had spent thinking about the plot for even more so I don’t want to rush things just so I can say that I finish the second book as well. I will definitely let you know once I am back to writing! 
            Thank you again for your beautiful words! <3 and sorry for the wait. I will make sure the end of the story is going to be worth the wait! 


Hi Aliana. I hope you are doing great. We haven’t heard from you lately, is everything alright? I was wondering why you didn’t post the new chapters but then I saw that it said: “paused”. There must be a reason but whatever reason it is, take your time. Don’t feel forced, take your time and just focus on the positive. I hope you will have a wonderful day!


Omg no it’s fine! Don’t apologize. I am doing very well, thank you. How are you doing? How are your studies going? I hope they are going well. Take your time honey, and just focus on yourself and your studies because they are more important than us<3


@Leesun04 thank you very much for your support and understanding and sorry for my late reply. I hope you are doing well, most importantly that you’re healthy in this difficult time. 
            I hope I’ll get back to writing soon because I don’t want to disappoint people who support me and are waiting for updates. <3 


I’m glad to hear that you are doing fine. I hope your studies will go well, don’t give up! And I hope you will solve everything. Knowing that Lex Veritas will end is very upsetting because it’s one of my favorite Wattpad stories, but everything has an end. I think the reason why you are like this is because of your studies because they are already stressing enough and I assume that you don’t get any sleep too because you have to get your work done. But hey, don’t give up. Take your time. We all will be waiting for you and your amazing story! Have a great day


Guys, I’m having a bit of crisis. My semester starts on Monday and I’m so stressed out because of all the organizations around it that I cannot write. The writter’s block got to me. Every time I try to write, the ideas just don’t come. 
          I hope it is only temporary and that I will be able to post on Friday. 
          I’ll let you know if I won’t be able to post. 
          I’m really sorry for this guys! I’ll try my best. 


Hey guys, since last time I posted on Friday, I will post on Friday this week as well. And maybe I’ll keep on posting on Fridays because my schedule got busier than usual. For the last couple of weeks it was difficult for me to get everything done that needed to be done and also write. 


What promises did she exactly make that she didn’t stick to? She has a life too, just because you can’t wait for the new chapter doesn’t mean you are going to accuse her. You should be respectful towards her and be patient, we all are waiting for the new chapter, but we are not saying things like you are saying because we have manners and we respect her, unlike you. 


Hey guys, I’m sorry to inform you, but I’ve had a rough week and didn’t have time to finish today’s chapter. So the update of this week’s chapter will be delayed for a few more days, or it will be updated next week already with that week’s chapter. 
          I apologize for this inconvenience and I’m sorry for making you wait a little longer. But I can promise you, that those chapters are worth the wait. 
          Stay healthy and happy! 
          - A.