
Sorry to everyone for the lack of chapters, our exam is near and I can't really open wattpad that much because we have a lot to do. But expect me to get back to you once the final exam is done


Hey guys! Wanna be friends? 


@kittynamedcookie sure lets be friend! And thank you I will update a chapter of that story today actually 


can i be ur friend? i like your racket boys book btw 
            ( °^°)/)


So you might be thinking why I'm not posting new chapter. Here's why, I've been busy those days getting ready for the contest im gonna attend to. And if your from Philippines and you know the contest that happened on March 24 then you what that is. And im actually planning to make more stories. Stories that you can't find here in wattpad cause its not really that famous. I searched and search and search but I cant seem to find any stories base from those movies or series so like I said im going to make stories base on those movies or series.