
@AJ_The_Booklover thank you so much!! That book is currently on hiatus but I really want to keep working. I've just read a few chapters of The Odd One and I really like it :)


Hi Alexa 
          Thanks for the Wattpad follow. I've followed back. 
          In case you haven't noticed, I'm currently posting my new draft novel about an unwell young boy who enters a fantasy world under his garden. 'Beneath the Surface'. If you get a chance to drop by, I'd love to hear your thoughts. I'm rapt with the feedback I'm getting so far. 
          Take care and best of luck with your own writing!


Thx so much for following me!! I really appreciate it!!! U just earned urself a new follower in the process!! Also, just wondering if u've read any of me stories?? And again, thx for the follow!!  :D


@AlexaPond O that's great!! Thx again for following me!!  :D


@BookLoverHBWriter no problem :) and I haven't read any yet but I'm checking them out :)