
Demon Within, the second book in the Silver Legacy series, is currently available for pre-order NOW on Amazon! It's only $4.99 and trust me, you are going to want to find out what happens in this book...


Demon Within, the second book in the Silver Legacy series, is currently available for pre-order NOW on Amazon! It's only $4.99 and trust me, you are going to want to find out what happens in this book...


In case you haven't heard, DARKNESS DESCENDS has debuted at #9 in Science Fiction & Fantasy on Amazon's Kindle Store within only a day of its release! If you haven't bought your copy yet, just click the link below to buy yours for only $4.99 and have it delivered right to your Kindle with the 1-Click feature on Amazon.


If you're here, you have probably visited my other page under my real name Linda Kay Silva. Alex Westmore is a pen name I go under for my paranormal series, such as The Handler. I am coming out with another paranormal novel called Darkness Descends on August 3rd, which you can pre-order now if you follow this link-
          You can also like my Facebook page under my pen name to keep updated on all of my paranormal series:
          There you will find information on how to enter my contest to win free things like some cool sword earrings as I promote the release of Darkness Descends. Because really, who doesn't love free stuff?
          Finally, you can visit my website at to sign up for my newsletter and get The Handler in PDF form! It's free to sign up and you get a free book!