Name: Alessia

Surname: Zeni

Age: 22

Birthday: 12 October

Residence: Tesero, Trento, Italy

Ex-school: ITC La Rosa Bianca - Predazzo, turistic sector

Job: Model, receptionist, secretary, shop assistant, translator, school tutor

Favorite anime/manga: Attack on Titan, Tokyo Ghoul, Death Note, Death Parade

Favorite film: The Hobbit, Dirty dancing

Favorite books: ACOTAR series, Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Percy Jackson

Favorite color: Black, purple, fuchsia e red

Favorite flower: Rose

Known languages: Italian, English, German, Russian

Hobbys: Reading, writing, singing, dancing

Tattoos: Deathly Hollows and blood group on the wrist; three roses on the upper area of the back

Favorite bands: Metallica, Black Veil Brides, My Chemical Romance, Blood On The Dance Floor, Halestorm, Skillet, Three Days Grace
  • JoinedJuly 22, 2016

Last Message
AlessiaZeni AlessiaZeni Aug 12, 2019 08:19PM
Ciao a tutti.Allora, come lo spiego...?Sapete tutti che ho un blocco dello scrittore assurdamente enorme, quindi... Non riesco più ad andare avanti con la storia LevixReader.Il prossimo capitolo...
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