
Hey guys, RACTA is out a little late, but I hope you guys enjoy chapter six.
          	 I hope everyone is doing well and is staying healthy! See you soon everyone!


Happy Easter to those who celebrate it, happy Grilled Cheese day to those who don’t. Sorry for no chapter this week. I slacked off my birthday week, and I’m about 3/4 through chapter five. If I don’t get it out tonight I’m gonna devote 100% for tomorrow. Sorry for breaking schedule m, but I’m making up for it


Happy Birthday to me guys! I’m finally legal! But anyways guys if you could please go to my instagram and YouTube channel and show some support while I work on chapter five for Reaper, it’d be great. Thank you guys for all the support. Much love guys. I dropped a new beat if you’d like to check it out, and I’ll be dropping my first original song soon. Thank you guys!


I'm starting to write Vampire School now guys, so don't worry. Ill get to work. It's what you all wanted probably. Check out me other books to please as I continue to rapid update. I'm even thinking of writing a short story of an Undertale ship. Suggestions?