
I know I've been gone for a really long time but I should be posting a new non-homestuck project tomorrow and I might work on old projects this coming school break. 


this message may be offensive
Oooook so I was wondering... This is a huuuuge if, but if I were to post a totally original collaborative project I've been working on. 
          Would you like it?
          Would you read it?
          Would you care?
          I know y'all came here for homestuck fanfiction, or you know me in real life (if you do I'm sorry I'm so awkward and I do this stupid shit) but a friend and I have been writing a thing... It's like 60 pages now and we have NO FRIGGING IDEA OF WHAT TO DO WITH IT! So I figured I'd see if this was an option.
          Thanks for reading.


@AriaofMidnight that's why we're editing it you nugget now help me edit


Jeez, can't believe how long ago this was. And we still haven't done anything with it, we are terrible noodles!


Well, that settled it. Video Games has been terminated, I'm very very sorry if you were reading and enjoying it, I just couldn't keep it going. I hope to have a new project up within the week.


Some Updates:
          1) I'm working on a big new project with Dirk and Jake
          2) I don't have my laptop for a few days so I don't know how often I'm going to post
          3) I don't exactly know when I will post the next chapter of "Video Games" I might give up on it but I hope I won't 
          4) Hopefully the first three chapters of my new big project will be up by tonight, I don't exactly know yet but it's close to being done and I will be working on it as much as I can.
          Thank you for listening