
Hi everyone. I know you're all probably so frustrated with me due to my lack of updates. I deeply apologize for this. I have been unable to get a new computer so I really haven't been able to update. And I might not be able to get one soon. I am moving to be with my fiancee in a whole other state. 14 hours away from where I am now, so I know I need to have money saved up before then. I love you all and I hope to be back full force soon ❤️


Hi everyone. I know you're all probably so frustrated with me due to my lack of updates. I deeply apologize for this. I have been unable to get a new computer so I really haven't been able to update. And I might not be able to get one soon. I am moving to be with my fiancee in a whole other state. 14 hours away from where I am now, so I know I need to have money saved up before then. I love you all and I hope to be back full force soon ❤️


Hi! Can you make another HASHIHINA (hashiramaxhinata) story.
          I badly want another HASHIHINA story. Btw I like the HASHIHINA story you make. So please make another one


@YnonaAllison Awww!!!! Thank you!!!! I hope to have it soon so I can work on stories again ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for loving my stories!


Your HASHIHINA story is the best btw!


I hope you get your new computer! I can’t really wait to read another HASHIHINA story


Ok so... PC=Fried. Completely dead. Fan kicks on turns completely off thirty seconds later. HOWEVER. I have some possibly good news. I have dusted off the ye old laptop from 2016. Slow as molasses and doesn't hold a charge while unplugged BUT... I should be able to toss some chapters out with it while I save up for a new PC. (The one I want is 1.2k) So that's gonna be a minute. Old faithful is gonna have to work for all my fanfiction needs for now. But... 


Hello I really like your story and the way you write and I wanted to ask if you could take a look into my prologue of my first sasuhina story and maybe give me a feedback. It's name is [Sasuhina: Found my way]. Please 


@hyugah1nata of course! I meant to respond yesterday but got caught up in some stuff. But I would love to!!!


I'm still here everyone. I'm just... Dealing with a bunch of stuff and a broke down PC right now. As soon as I get it fixed I'll start updating again I promise... I'm sorry


Take your time we’ll wait for you ♡


I know y'all haven't heard from me in a while and I'm so sorry for that. So an update on what's happened is my computers hard drive has malfunctioned and there's nothing I can do to fix it... I have to buy a new one. So I'm so sorry. I'll be back when I get a new computer


I'm still working on writing I promise. I've just been busy lately. Had a couple things change unexpectedly in my life so I'm trying to figure some things out. 
          I do have chapters written though I'm just hoarding for a bit to start releasing some on a weekly basis.  Love you all so much❤️