
Good news and bad news. Good news, I'm lessening my workload of drawing by converting comics to novels; which leads me to the bad news. Some of my books will be put on hold for production so I can also work on the novel versions of my comics. However, this does mean new content for you guys, so yay! Here's my litte promise to all of you lovely readers: I will have one of my books finished by next year and post it (maybe chapters weekly or all in one go, idk it depends). Also, here's my comics I'm converting into novels:
          	Scars of the Stars
          	Tossed from Heaven
          	And possibly Monochrome (maybe a new title and I'm still iffy on this)
          	I hope you guys are not mad at me and I do promise that you all will get content but for now my books that are sitting collecting dust are on indefinite hiatus'. 
          	See you all next year, and have a lovely Christmas/Hanukkah/New Year celebration if you chose to celebrate any of those!


Good news and bad news. Good news, I'm lessening my workload of drawing by converting comics to novels; which leads me to the bad news. Some of my books will be put on hold for production so I can also work on the novel versions of my comics. However, this does mean new content for you guys, so yay! Here's my litte promise to all of you lovely readers: I will have one of my books finished by next year and post it (maybe chapters weekly or all in one go, idk it depends). Also, here's my comics I'm converting into novels:
          Scars of the Stars
          Tossed from Heaven
          And possibly Monochrome (maybe a new title and I'm still iffy on this)
          I hope you guys are not mad at me and I do promise that you all will get content but for now my books that are sitting collecting dust are on indefinite hiatus'. 
          See you all next year, and have a lovely Christmas/Hanukkah/New Year celebration if you chose to celebrate any of those!


Hey, it's been a while. I've been a very busy person lately and I tend to leave my stories on hold for inconclusive amount of times. I am truly trying to keep up with them, along with everything, and it's been a trip. I have comics I'm working on, I also have an animation series I'm working on. I am currently working in both of those along with schooling. I will definitely get back to posting updates but I might wait to update a series till I have a backlog of chapters to use.
          I also want to rewrite some of my books so they're a bit better and more cohesive to read. I hope you all can understand and respect my decisions and that I have a lot of things bogging me down. I don't want to burn myself out with too many things. I sincerely hope you all can understand that having everything like this can lead to burnout and horrible writing. I want to deliver amazing stories to you all and not half baked stuff.
          TL;DR I have a lot of stuff to do and I want to refine my stories before finishing them. Thank you.
          Sincerely AkSaque~




I know I haven't been on here much, and I kinda let most of my books dwindle into nothingness. I will get back to them I promise, I just haven't got the motivation right now, I will come back though, I promise, it may not be before the new year but I will return and finish my books.
          Sincerely AkSaque~


hey guys, been a while hasn't it, haha, ima take a break from writing and it just cuz I'm losing ideas so I need a small break, I also have a lot I need to do (not gonna get into it here), I'm working on a webcomic as well called Demons over Werewolves (shameless plug of my webcomic), but other then that I need a break, see you guys later, love ya readers. 


HEY GUYS! Should stop yelling, this is for all my Galaxy Warefare fans. I'm rewriting it because of that fact I hated how it was written. I'll explain more in the smoll update part of the book which I will take down in a week's time. 
          Anyways, yes I bounce around books and I leave some just not updated and collecting virtual dust. I'm sorry for that, I really just am trying to keep them all updated but it's alot for me to do, I hope y'all will like i rewritten version and not hate me.




@AkSaque the covers of your stories


Guys, I don't want to update any of my books, even my LN fanfics. I don't want NovelHD getting all the credit for my hard work, I know you guys usually ignore my announcements but please, don't say mean things about me in the comments, I may update, I may not, I just don't want my hard work on NovelHD under some users account when they didn't write it. I want NovelHD taken down. I don't feel like uploading any of my books anymore, I feel like crap and I life has gone to hell. Enjoy what I have written so far and have a good day/night.


@AkSaque It's not fair that This site is taking your amazing fics just start creditting urself somewhere in the book. Now since its's a little site that means they could prolly be sued but it's not that big its just that if u credit urself and say something about it on there it just might stop


@Celestial_Crystals yeah they did but still, I don't want my work up there


            That's not how it works tho. NovelHD can't be taken down


Honestly guys I'm scared to post anything else on here mostly because I'm scared that NovelHD will steal my other books. I really want to finish my fanfic series but for now I'm putting my other books on hold. I hope you understand and please join the fight to stop NovelHD. 
          See you lovely Veiwers later and have a good day/night.


Hello. Your work is being plagiarized by NovelHD. I just saw it there, My work is also on that website without my consent.


@Celestial_Crystals yeah, I went onto the site and saw all the books they took from me, makes me sad to see all my hard work plastered up onto a website 


Death is not forever