
Heyy guys. Sorry I wouldn't be aboe to update any of my stories until maybe June 16? Hopefull I'll get time to write a chapter sooner but I have A LOT OF HOMEWORKS AND STUDYING to do for my exams and stuff coming up. Sorry again guys love Ya'll 


Heyy guys. Sorry I wouldn't be aboe to update any of my stories until maybe June 16? Hopefull I'll get time to write a chapter sooner but I have A LOT OF HOMEWORKS AND STUDYING to do for my exams and stuff coming up. Sorry again guys love Ya'll 


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Hey guys I'm soo sorry I haven't been updating for a while but I'll hopefully get on that soon. I finally had to guts to tell my mom how I've been feeling nd tbh I really feel like shit nd I've been keeping it in for so long I can't Handle it anymore it's been about two or three weeks since I last cut so I'm kinda proud of that but last time I went a month before I broke. I don't want to do that again so I decided to just tell her how I feel but I still haven't told her about the cutting I really don't know how to