
Hello guys,
          	I hope everyone is doing fine.
          	I'm thinking of being regular writer and update as much as I can in upcoming month but before that I would like to take some suggestions regarding improvement of the story.
          	I mean is there any way to improve Kasak without changing the storyline?
          	Because I feel may be my content is not good enough to have a positive response towards the efforts I put so may be it's me who is lacking in something - 
          	May be writing skills 
          	Or may be way of describing 
          	Or may be lack of proper words 
          	Or may be much needed pictures 
          	Or may be I'm missing out some other details
          	Or may be my attitude or behaviour towards readers or towards story.
          	Feel free to express yourself and be honest with your answer as I need honest feedback so I can work upon my shortcomings.
          	And if overall story is not good then u can express that as well I won't judge anyone or won't hold any grudge either. 
          	~ Aishwarya 


@AishwaryaAG7 stop doubting your writing skills you are an amazing writer just finished reading your kasak and will start another which one not decided yet and eagerly waiting for update on kasak


@AishwaryaAG7  hey thanks for thinking about regular updates. I love your writing style but I think you are not regular with updates that's why when you post next part people almost forgot about story track but when you update regularly the bond will get more stronger


@AishwaryaAG7 No doubt your writing skills are amazing And I really enjoyed your stories 
          	  Only thing I want to say just update regularly 


Hello guys,
          I hope everyone is doing fine.
          I'm thinking of being regular writer and update as much as I can in upcoming month but before that I would like to take some suggestions regarding improvement of the story.
          I mean is there any way to improve Kasak without changing the storyline?
          Because I feel may be my content is not good enough to have a positive response towards the efforts I put so may be it's me who is lacking in something - 
          May be writing skills 
          Or may be way of describing 
          Or may be lack of proper words 
          Or may be much needed pictures 
          Or may be I'm missing out some other details
          Or may be my attitude or behaviour towards readers or towards story.
          Feel free to express yourself and be honest with your answer as I need honest feedback so I can work upon my shortcomings.
          And if overall story is not good then u can express that as well I won't judge anyone or won't hold any grudge either. 
          ~ Aishwarya 


@AishwaryaAG7 stop doubting your writing skills you are an amazing writer just finished reading your kasak and will start another which one not decided yet and eagerly waiting for update on kasak


@AishwaryaAG7  hey thanks for thinking about regular updates. I love your writing style but I think you are not regular with updates that's why when you post next part people almost forgot about story track but when you update regularly the bond will get more stronger


@AishwaryaAG7 No doubt your writing skills are amazing And I really enjoyed your stories 
            Only thing I want to say just update regularly 


Hi, how are you and when are you updating 


@krishnagindodia Thanks.
            I will try to complete Kasak nd loving to eternity ❤️.


@AishwaryaAG7 take your time but please complete your story and take care 


@krishnagindodia  Hey I'm fine.
            Thanks for asking ❤️. I hope you are good as well.
            And actually currently I am doing my MBA nd I'm staying alone (without family so I have to do everything on my own) so I don't get that much free time for writing, I know it shouldn't be excuse but whenever I have free time I suddenly don't get into that writing zone. It needs time, motivation and involved thinking into the story, at least for me to write.
            That's why I am not updating but I will try to write something.


Hi, how are you hope so you are doing good. Please update kasak, loving you since eternity please


@umerghafoor1122  yeah I understand even I don't like when someone leaves story in middle and currently I'm being that someone so sorry for that. Nd I will try to complete it.


Thanks for replying, it's ok I can understand but what can I do I really want to read kasak, I love that story but its OK take your time


@umerghafoor1122  hey I am good and thank you for asking ❤️.
            Actually currently I'm very busy as I have joined my college that too in another city nd coping with everything is little difficult coz we have back to back work so I am not able to write for now. But I will try whenever it's possible for me to write ❤️