
I'm back bitches


Just speedran writing 3000+ words worth of chapters in only two nights....that's a new record for me 
          Anyway I finally have a bOOK PUBLISHED OH MY WOrd I'm exciteD!! 
          If you like Kamisama Kiss or just anime in general check it out! It's probably gonna seem a bit rushed and unpolished since I won't be editing it until I finish writing it all, but hEy it's still actual content :D 


Guys!! I just found out! That there's a sequel to InuYasha coming out!!! Like! Thats the second anime I ever watched!!! I'm going to explode!!!? My body can't handle this much joy!! It's 1am!?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm crying holy shiitake mushrooms I'm so happyyyyyy 


Also sorry I'm always complaining on here. Y'all don't know me so it's a lot easier to vent frustrations here than to bottle em up or whine on more active accounts. I promise I'm sooo much more chill irl 


;-; I’m here if u need


And people ignore these posts anyway so why not? At least I ain't affecting anyone (I hope)