
I have a question if you don’t mind me asking is the story from your previous account going to continue or is it discontinued 


@Aikxruii_ oh ok I understand and thanks for answering 


So I also can't really answer questions about the plot because I forgot a ton of it... Sorry TT


@Crystaldo03 unfortunately, that story is probably going to be discontinued. One of the main reasons is because when that account started to malfunction at first, I was kicked out of my account. When I managed or get back in, all the notes I made on it, and the drafts I did, all dissappeared - minus the chapters I had already published. 
            So basically, what I used to remember the plot and stuff was all deleted. I did have the notes backed up on my iPad, but that was broken by one of my neighbours (a 6 year old) - a careless mistake on both of our parts, I'll admit I have some part in not taking proper care of my belongings. But basically, there's nothing left of it, so even if I wanted to, I can't really recall much of it....seeing as it's been quite a while and I have a pretty bad memory.
            I don't have a laptop either, and my local library doesn't have any public computers or laptops I can use. My iPad was broken and has since been disposed, so I have no way of recovering the notes even if I wanted to. All I have left is my phone right now. I'm not that keen on doing a lot of writing on my phone as I prefer a larger screen and I generally prefer to have a reference source while writing my stories. Eg while writing my drafts, I have twisted wonderland playing in the background to refresh my memory of events and sketch out a more accurate timeline. 
            With all the effort I put in, I'm quite annoyed that all my progress had been erased. After that, I went through some writers block as I tried to recall my drafts on my old account - and failed. 
            So main point anyways : it's discontinued due to some problems  




Tbh I didn’t have anything to say ☠️


@Aikxruii_ I was speaking in keyboard smash


That's it. Bye-