
I haven't used Wattpad in years. Currently I have taken down my Wicca Lessons as people were posting answers in comments and such which ruins it for others. I may put the back up in the future and continue the lessons but at this point in life I do not have the time which I apologize for. 


I haven't used Wattpad in years. Currently I have taken down my Wicca Lessons as people were posting answers in comments and such which ruins it for others. I may put the back up in the future and continue the lessons but at this point in life I do not have the time which I apologize for. 


Hey, I don't mean to be a bother, but I'm a student in a class about witchcraft and paganism, and my current assignment is to interview someone who practices paganism, I was wondering if you would be interested or would know anybody who would be? 
          Thank you.
          I love your lessons by the way 


I love your lessons on Wicca. i am only sixteen and i wanna deticate myself to Wicca, i want to learn everything there is to know about it, i wanna practice and do so much with Wicca, even join a coven. my mother would teach me cause shes a Wiccan too which is the whole reason why i wanna learn. she infuenced me. ive started the homeworks and tests for your lessons, and if its not complete, please keep going *w* im so eger to learn