
To all fans of Titanfall that read my works, this call is to you. I haven't played the games and know nothing about the lore, so I could use some assistance. I could use a little help with naming some Pilots and, if they are even given nicknames outside of their model types, Titans. Feel free to give them a loadout that would be reasonable in-universe, but just a name is fine. I only ask that they not be rehashed characters from Titanfall canon. Anyway, that's it. Thank you for your time. Stay safe and I'll see y'all in the next one.


@slenderslimmjim Sounds like a fun one. Thank you.


@GodHoward Nice try. I know they're already canon characters. Thank you for the enthusiasm, but try again.


To all fans of Titanfall that read my works, this call is to you. I haven't played the games and know nothing about the lore, so I could use some assistance. I could use a little help with naming some Pilots and, if they are even given nicknames outside of their model types, Titans. Feel free to give them a loadout that would be reasonable in-universe, but just a name is fine. I only ask that they not be rehashed characters from Titanfall canon. Anyway, that's it. Thank you for your time. Stay safe and I'll see y'all in the next one.


@slenderslimmjim Sounds like a fun one. Thank you.


@GodHoward Nice try. I know they're already canon characters. Thank you for the enthusiasm, but try again.


Alright, I've gotta level with y'all. Writing "The Team" has felt like a bit of a chore as of late. Don't get me wrong, it is my baby and I'm quite passionate about it. However, this is probably the only story that I've consistently gotten stuck on, and I think I've finally figured out the reason for that. With all of my other works, I've had at least some kind of reference material to fall back on. Even my Freelancer and my Konosuba x Monster Musume story where, for the most part, I'm writing things from scratch, I still have characters, events, and rules from their respective franchises that I can look to for inspiration. With The Team, it's different. I don't really have anything set in stone that I can turn to. Sure I have reference material, but those can only get me so far. I'm trying to juggle what makes sense to happen while also trying to keep it entertaining. I'm also trying to figure out powerscaling on the fly and I need to try and get it right the first time because, if I don't, I might end up screwing something up later down the line.
          Anyway, that's all I've really got. Sorry for the rant, I just wanted to vent and kind of explain why I haven't been uploading as frequently. Hopefully I can power through and get this next chapter done before the month ends, but don't hold your breath. Thank you for your time, stay safe, and I'll see y'all soon.


Alright, you know what? Let's have a little fun with this. If you're up for it, I could use some names for ships. UNSC ships in particular. Most UNSC ships tend to be named after a line in a poem, but some have referenced songs from our day. For example, UNSC Brave New World or UNSC Sandman. Have fun with it. I want to see what y'all come up with. I'll take one from each of you and I'll more than likely include it in an upcoming chapter. Thanks for your time.


@AgentNewMexico thank you, I don't know why it kept playing it T-T


@LokiShipper Oh... Oh no... I am so sorry.


@AgentNewMexico because Spotify played it 5 times in a row this morning 


I'm so glad that Wattpad removed the ability for us to send private messages to one another and deleted the pre-existing ones (seriously, why delete what was already there?) just so they can be the only ones able to send me spam messages about newsletters I won't be signing up for. Real happy to see you deleted actual discussions instead of this.


@GodHoward Obviously. I'm more upset because I would use that to share notes with other writers. Now that's gone, but Wattpad will still use it to spam about their own stupid products.


@AgentNewMexico It was their best idea yet. Who cares about privacy? I don't!


What's your thoughts on the last RvB season?


@AgentNewMexico Yea, so which ending do you prefer?


@GodHoward Honestly, it felt like a decent send-off. You could tell at points that the series has definitely run its course, but it kept with the spirit of RvB that gave back that feeling I got when I fell in love with the series in the first place. That being said, while their approach of "You get to choose which ending is canon" is respectable, I can't help but feel like it denies us of any true closure. For me, the show kind of ended on a cliffhanger from season 13. In a weird way, though, it's kind of fitting. All in all, I liked it. Sad to see the series go, but it was bittersweet that Rooster Teeth ended with what it started with.


@GodHoward Haven't watched it yet. I would very much like to, so, please, no spoilers. 


Alright, I feel like I've written myself into a corner here a little bit, so I could use a hand. Per usual, I won't be outright saying which story this is for, but if you know through context clues, then you know.
          Problem: Washed up Big Bad gets caught red-handed going for one last hurrah to secure power. The minor response from the ones catching the Big Bad is truly frightful stuff. Narratively speaking, they can be kind of important, but I don't really see too many ways out for them. Should I try and give them an out, which might delay some things, or have this be a kark around and find out?


Hey dude love your stories specially the rising of the shield hero and red vs blue also I have a request if you want to hear it if not that’s cool I understand. Also do you know assassin’s creed.


@RomeoJaramillo Oh. Well thank you for the suggestion. While I am flattered that you think it's good enough for a "Character reacts to fanfiction of themselves", I personally find it a bit vain. I don't think it's worthy of that, but I am truly grateful that you believe it is. If you know any writers that are fond of writing such stories, then please feel free to recommend mine as one to be reacted to. All I ask is that they give me credit. I would be delighted to see what another writer's rendition of a character thinks about my story. Thank you again.


Oh okay how about the rising of the shield hero character read your the rising of the shield hero story 


@RomeoJaramillo Well thank you. I'm glad you've been enjoying them. I always enjoy reader feedback. While I didn't really do requests, I am always down to hear folks out for a bit of inspiration. I also know next to nothing about Assassin's Creed. There's a running gag planned with Ezio and Altair planned in another one of my stories, but outside of that and watching two Let's Plays 10 years ago, I've got nothing.


After hearing stuff about Wattpad changing guidelines and several instances of stories being banned/deleted out of nowhere, I have decided to relocate my stories to AO3. I will still be active here and Wattpad will continue to be my primary writing platform for as long as I can. However, in the event that something does happen, my stories will be over there. I don't think I have anything that would break any guidelines and I have been careful about not including things like that, but this is just a precaution. Just thought I'd make y'all aware. Thank you for your time. Stay safe and I'll see y'all in the next one.


Quick question for y'all. If you're reading a fanfiction about a series you've already seen, do you want to see every plot point even if nothing gets changed in the story? I'll use Star Wars as an example. If I wrote about the scene where Anakin is denied the rank of Master and very little (maybe adding a few thoughts) or nothing at all is changed, would you still want to read it? Or would you rather it be alluded to in a later scene in favor of developing the plot of the fic. This isn't a dig at anyone, I'm just curious. Honestly, I'm actually stuck due to something like this. An event that is relevant to the overall plot, but I probably won't change much if at all if I do write it. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading this. Thanks for your time, stay safe, and I'll see you in the next one.


@AgentNewMexico Any time. You have been super helpful to me, it is only fair I try and return the favour.


@jynxsimard I mainly ask because I am stumped on this. On the one hand, this portion is relevant to the plot and overall storyline. On the other hand, I don't have any way to change it in any meaningful way. Although, as I'm writing this, I think I may have thought of something. Thank you for your assistance and highlighting "nothing too drastic" for me. I have been inspired. Thank you again, Vod.


@jynxsimard Same here. But if nothing about the scene changed, would you still want to read it even though you've already seen it? 