
Alyssa my queen what have they done to you


HAHAHA, ISN'T THERE A MANUAL ON HOW TO RESPOND TO BEAUTIFUL THINGS LIKE THAT?. I SWEAR TO YOU, I blushed and everything, my god. I really thank you for your words, very much. And by the way I can tell you that I'm loving your aegon fanfic, ahre


Hi loves! <3 It has been some time, and I apologize for my prolonged silence these past months. The truth is, I found myself grappling with a formidable bout of writer's block regarding 'WHERE NO ONE GOES'. However, in true whimsical fashion, inspiration has since flooded in, though instead of rushing to transcribe it, I chose to meticulously plot and refine every detail. The result fills me with immense pride and joy—I am delighted with how the story and forthcoming chapters have unfolded.
          The first chapter is now live, and personally, I hold it dear to my heart. I poured my entire being into it, hoping this dedication resonates with you as you delve into its pages. Rest assured, I will not retract the book again, recognizing the impact it had on some beloved readers and mutuals, for which I offer my sincerest apologies. My aim is to provide you with the utmost reading pleasure and uncompromising quality.
          That concludes my update for now. Happy reading to all! And to those, myself included, eagerly anticipating the premiere of hotd season 2 tonight—brace yourselves for the emotional rollercoaster that lies ahead!
          Oh and, Leola has returned ;)


@AenysTargaryen You had already left us with a tremendous desire for more after the first chapter