I am a dog loving writer. I love The Cab, Nickelback, The Script, Cher Lloyd and obviously One Direction. I am in love with Doctor Who! Tenth is my fave.

"People assume that time is a strict profession of cause to effect, but actually, in a non-linear, non-subjective view point, it's more of a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff..." —The Doctor (Ten)

"I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up, my friend." —Augustus, The Fault in Our Stars

"You gave me forever in a number of days. For that I am grateful." —Hazel, The Fault in Our Stars

"I mean when someone says I forbid it, that's a good sign it's worth doing." —Sadie, The Kane Chronicles

You may call me Adriana or Adri, either is fine.

Feel free to post on my wall any comments. If you post on my wall asking me to read your story, guess what? I will read but only one chapter. I will not promote any stories.
  • Twenty-First Nome
  • JoinedJuly 19, 2013