
Hi folks!
          	You may have noticed, if you've gone through the first Sachland Snippets short story collection, that it has been marked as having concluded its run. This is because I'm starting things fresh with a brand new set of short stories that will be part of the Sachland Creative Universe this year, along with my anticipated longer-form stories, Bright Blue World, and the Octonauts & the Offshore Oil Spill. I'll let you all know when the new set of Sachland Snippets will begin. ;)
          	Off Duty with Sam Snow & Kit Casey will resume sometime this spring, so stay tuned on when the next few bite-sized stories will come!


How did you make the Creature Cases book cover? I really wanna do something like that!


@FireMarshall03 Hey there! The Off Duty cover art was made in Adobe Photoshop. I simply did some cutting around a screenshot of Sam and Kit and went about with the composition from there. The logo itself was made in Adobe Illustrator. I've switched photo-editing and design software sometime after it was made.
            Best bet for doing something like this is getting the software that works for you, and then following some tutorials and guides to help you get through the learning curve. Afterwards, imagination is the only limit! ;)




@Keksjsmsmeid82828 neither of those at this time, unfortunately.


Hi folks!
          You may have noticed, if you've gone through the first Sachland Snippets short story collection, that it has been marked as having concluded its run. This is because I'm starting things fresh with a brand new set of short stories that will be part of the Sachland Creative Universe this year, along with my anticipated longer-form stories, Bright Blue World, and the Octonauts & the Offshore Oil Spill. I'll let you all know when the new set of Sachland Snippets will begin. ;)
          Off Duty with Sam Snow & Kit Casey will resume sometime this spring, so stay tuned on when the next few bite-sized stories will come!


While I’ve tried to continue building up this reality that is the Sachland Creative Universe, the unfortunate reality is what I’ve increasingly started to worry about, having been unemployed since early June of this year. The job-searching process has been quite a stressful time since then, and it has taken up the time I would’ve taken to work on my written pieces of fiction. It is something, however, that should not be ignored.
          With that said, I regret to announce that I cannot continue to work on Bright Blue World, Off Duty, and Octonauts & the Off-Shore Oil Spill at this time. I’ll continue to put out my artwork whenever possible, and this will be until I am able to secure another job elsewhere that will allow me to continue going about the Sachland Creative Universe, without worry or fear of going under.
          I hope to continue working on these works of fiction in the very near future, when things begin to look up.


Due to recent events that have occurred in America  within the past few days, it is with regret that I announce that the release of the first story in the Bright Blue World historical anthology, focusing on Pan American World Airways, has been delayed.
          The first story would have been released this July 4th.
          Please stay tuned for a new release date for this series.