
So what’s going on with Wattpad? Are they removing all Mature content or certain Mature content? 
          	I’ve heard multiple different rumors about what’s really happening. I just rather not lose my stuff since most of it is mature content.


I’m really sorry for asking you this but I want to know. What happened to the red hood x akame ga kill story? Did you delete it? If so can you please put it back on and start working on it? I really want to know what happens next


It’s sitting on the shelf. Need to refresh up on the show before continuing anything


Say are you still thinking of ideas for lethal protector 


@Randolph1205 the world works in mysterious ways, my friend…. ;)


Cool and another thing
            We both know who is gonna be Zack’s love interest eh? (:


@Randolph1205 that’s actually what I’m working on rn as well. A small shorter chapter of a flashback


Those who voted on it shall get it. RWBY x The Mandalorian is coming soon! 
          A little side note about what to expect;
          There’s going to be three books in total. Book One is Vol 1-3, Book Two is 4-6 and Book Three is 7-9.
          Now im going to try to make this more of a crossover rather than just dumping Mando into the RWBY Universe. Take for example Mandalore. Instead of having it as a planet from Star Wars, it’s it own Island/Kingdom. (will other Star Wars Planets as Islands or Kingdoms appear? I do not know…..yet)
          For Copyright purposes (mainly because I don’t want the Mouse showing up at my house with Goofy and Donald to hurt me) some of the Mandalorian characters have slight name changes. Just the names change not their personalities and whatnot.
          Now; The First Volume or Act One will strictly be revolved around The Mandalorian and may have slight appearances of RWBY Characters. Act Two (Vol 2) is when Mandalorian and RWBY officially collide.
          Finally; I’m going to try to make my version of The Mandalorian MC his own perosn rather than a copy and paste of Dar Djarin. Of course the two will be slightly similar but also different as well.
          And if your wondering, yes The Child will be present but not Grogu. It’s going to be unique to the RWBY universe.
          Anyways! That’s all I wanted to say about this new series. The first part shall be done soon. It’s currently in the works and will be out for all to enjoy.
          Stay Tuned….


I’m want to begin a RWBY x Star Wars series but not sure what kind to do. Which would you guys prefer.
          RWBY: Of Light and Darkness; A Boy with the unique powers is thrown into a battle of good and evil, learning the use both sides of his power, the light and darkness. (3 Book Series)
          RWBY: The Mandalorian; A helmeted Mercenary ends up at Beacon Academy part of a deal and is forced to chose a side when The Fall comes. (3 Book Series)


@Adolf_Drippler  think its safe to say the mando story sound better