
Hello! You are following my friend @CreativeThinker6102
          She's having a rough time. It isnt her birthday, but I'm doing something. I'm going to message everyone who follows her to tell her happy birthday, in hopes other people will tell her happy birthday. It would make her day. Please tell her. If you can't do it now, do it as soon as you can. Thanks for your time.


             aa a a a a a a a a sorry! Im back!


@Awerdboi- I am very sorry to hear this. I'm sorry. I hope this user enjoys their break.


             Im sorry but no, that user has ignored my friend for a while and rn she is taking a break of wattpad. Please understand. Thank you


Hows life?


Hi random hoomen that I had no clue existed till now! How's life? Me too, me too. ANYWAYS! Thank you so much for the follow or follow back! It means a lot!❤❤❤ Though I have no clue why you did but thanks anyways! Also now that you follow me, you are officially part of the WEIRDO GANG! Your welcome lol
          PMs are always open! Text me is ya want cuz I'm always bored. Geez I have no life smh
          ~Nashita the Weird Weirdo✌✌