
Hey hey it's been a while but I'm back with a new story. The first chapter is posted. I hope you like it. 
          	xxx Addax :)


@Addax_Stories hiii i missed you sm, i will make sure to read your new story <3


Hey hey it's been a while but I'm back with a new story. The first chapter is posted. I hope you like it. 
          xxx Addax :)


@Addax_Stories hiii i missed you sm, i will make sure to read your new story <3


Hi, it’s been a while since my last message :)
          Thank you for reading my books, I can’t believe we hit 21K on Lost Girl and 666 on SSTTR!
          It feels a bit unreal, and maybe this doesn’t seem much to you because of other authors having way more views and likes but this is already a huge achievement for me and I want to thank you a thousand times for that!


Hey hey! 
          Second star to the right's first five chapters are online! 
          I'm really really excited to let you read the sequel of Lost Girl. I hope you'll like it, don't be shy leave a comment behind and drop a like now and then!
          Addax :)


Hey hey! 
          Sequel of Lost Girl is almost done, this is a title reveal...
          And the title iiiiiiiisssssssssss... Second Star to the Right!!!!
          I'm so excited to let you read it, I'll let you know more once I'm done writing it.
          Addax :)