
          Umm, I apologize for bothering you, but where are your books?  It was one of my favorites to read, but I was shocked that it was deleted from my library


@Sdfre3qq It's no problem. I appreciate the compliment. I am an artist, but writing is only a hobby I have that I am above average at. If I think I want to release my book back to the public then I will. Otherwise, I'm already busy with college and driving as it is, so it's only something I can look on and think about when I have free time. I wish you good luck in your life as well.


            I will never find anyone your level of creativity, I loved your style of writing "Undertale" stories, but I understand you, I hope you will leave your book in (wattpad) as a memory only if you like it, also sorry to bother you again good luck in your life


@Sdfre3qq ehhhh cuz i don't get on Wattpad anymore and just figured no one cared for my books. my books weren't rlly that great either and I lacked inspiration to write anymore. when I wrote the Undertale oneshots, I wrote them cuz I loved the fandom and cuz there weren't that many good books out there, so I wanted to try and make better ones for readers to enjoy. but these were years old. i appreciate that u enjoyed my books, but I won't be writing or submitting anything on Wattpad anymore. hopefully u will find better books to enjoy :)