
Smile for the Camera is updated with Chapter 6!!! Check it out!


I was nominated for a  Get to Know Me tag sort of thing by @AllThingsPI, so thank you "Laura" for the nomination.
          Nicknames:  I don't really have any nicknames. One or two people call me Manda while a few call me Mandy.
          Eye color:  I have greyish blue eyes. In my opinion they look really cold and uninviting but people I have just met compliment me on them, so they must not be that bad.
          Hair color:  It's a dark, dirty blonde and the ends are lighter because of dyed highlights.
          One fact about me:  All the stories I write come from an idea of it happening to me. Like in my story Don't Forget to Smile, I imagined what my life would be like if I had famous parents that I just found out about. This might not be very unique, I don't know anyone else that really does this, but hey, its fun.
          Favorite Color:  My favorite color is purple, but I only really wear blue.
          Favorite Celebrity:  Gina Rodriguez of course, I love her in Jane the Virgin and she truly is a great role model. I will watch anything she is in.
          Favorite Animal:  Tiger. Nothing else to really say. It's a tiger because of obvious reasons (they are awesome and adorable)
          Favorite Place:  I honestly don't have a designated favorite place. I have favorite restaurants like Saldivia's in Houston, TX. The few times I have been to San Diego have proven I love visiting there.
          Favorite Song:  I like songs that have meaning and are fun. If I feel like getting up and dancing because of the song, I will love it. I tend to lean towards Hard Rock and Pop Punk more though, but there are a few Pop songs that I really like.
          Favorite Books:  On Wattpad it has to be Float by @toastedbagels because duh, its great. Out of wattpad it would have to be the Burn for Burn series by Jenny Han.
          I nominate @Romaizalbad , @vividpurple and @LadyK14


@ActuallyMandy They all called me Laura because it was on my profile xD  So I was just like eh, I'll explain and if they keep calling me Laura, its whatever


I am almost done with the third chapter of Don't Forget to Smile. Do you guys want it tonight or Friday?
          Let me know!!


@ActuallyMandy I'm impressed, I cannot sit still and keep my train of thought long enough to do that


@AllThingsPI I power wrote tonight and have 2957 words written and ready


@ActuallyMandy Do it Friday, then we're on break and not struggling for another day! I'm uploading Friday too. I have 130 words written right now XD